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PCM Parking Charge Notice

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  • PCM Parking Charge Notice

    Hi all,

    Got a ticket from PCM for my vehicle being parked in a Resident Permit holder area of the block of flats. The driver was delivering some items to a flat in the block and by the time they came back out there was a ticket on the windscreen.

    As the registered keeper of the vehicle, I appealed the ticket saying the driver was not given enough time to display the permit, as they had gone to the flat to get the permit from the owner.

    The photos they have taken as evidence have about 6 minutes from the first photo taken to the last one.

    Appeal was refused by PCM saying I have not identified the driver.

    Attaching redacted pictures.

    I remember there was a time when we could appeal through POPLA. I have reappealed saying I don't have to identify the driver and explained that the driver wasn't given enough time.

    Please could someone advise what the best course of action here is?
    Attached Files
    Tags: None

  • #2
    If it was I, and assuming I was the registered keeper, I would await the Notice to Keeper and not communicate with them at all until that time.
    As Keeper you will be able to appeal, and when that appeal is declined you can appeal to the not so independent IAS.
    Following that you may defend a court claim, which doubtlessly will be on basis of breach of contract.
    However there does not appear to be an offer to contract within that signage, so you probably have a good chance of winning.

    When you receive the NTK post it up if you want advice.
    ​​​​​​​Whatever you do, do not identify the driver


    • #3
      Originally posted by des8 View Post
      If it was I, and assuming I was the registered keeper, I would await the Notice to Keeper and not communicate with them at all until that time.
      As Keeper you will be able to appeal, and when that appeal is declined you can appeal to the not so independent IAS.
      Following that you may defend a court claim, which doubtlessly will be on basis of breach of contract.
      However there does not appear to be an offer to contract within that signage, so you probably have a good chance of winning.

      When you receive the NTK post it up if you want advice.
      ​​​​​​​Whatever you do, do not identify the driver
      Thanks for the advice. Will wait for the NTK. Not quite sure what it means when you say "... defend a court claim, ...on basis of breach of contract." - who is breaching the contract? What contract . Sorry if I am being a bit thick here.


      • #4
        DCB Legal standard court claim is that a parking charge became due as the driver breached the contract as written on the signs.
        Usually one goes to a car park and there is a notice saying how much or free for a period as well as other terms and conditions e.g. park only in the marked bays.
        In those cases there is an offer for the driver to park, and by parking the driver agrees to the terms i.e. a contract

        In your case I see no offer to park, so there is no contract.
        If any charge is being made it must be a penalty for trespass, and that is not something that the parking company can levy.
        Only the occupier of land can sue for trespass, and then only for damages


        • #5
          Originally posted by bobosh13 View Post

          Thanks for the advice. Will wait for the NTK. Not quite sure what it means when you say "... defend a court claim, ...on basis of breach of contract." - who is breaching the contract? What contract . Sorry if I am being a bit thick here.
          Oh wow! Thanks, this makes a lot of sense now.


          • #6
            Got a letter off parking eye dated 14 2 23 stating that I was parked on Asda car park for 9 hours when I had been to Asda twice that day and they’re are cameras on the car park to and now they are asking me to pay 140 and I don’t want to pay as I have not done anything wrong


            • #7
              Please could someone give me some advice thank you


              • #8

                Please start your own thread, and do not identify the driver when posting on here. Just say "the driver did this or that"


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