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CP Plus - PCN for French car 11 months after incident

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  • CP Plus - PCN for French car 11 months after incident


    The KEEPER is French and received this letter at KEEPER's home address in France, 11 months after the incident.

    The vehicule is French registered and insured.

    It's all in French, attached is a transcript of the letter below.

    Company : CP Plus / EPC PLC

    Entry time stated on the PCN : 16:49

    Exit time stated on the PCN : 21:20

    Looking at Google Streetview the notice board aren't even lit which wouldn't have helped on a dark rainy day as the pictures suggest.

    Date of the event : 13/12/2021

    Letter dated : 29/10/2022

    Letter received on : 08/11/2022

    There is no mention of any possible appeal, just a postal address.

    No mention of which law is applicable.

    Does the KEEPER have to pay this ?

    Appeal ? In French, in English based on what grounds ?

    Or ignore ?

    I did search the forums using "parking notice foreign registered car", "EPC PLC foreign registered car".

    I've scrolled through the pinned post and although "they're all the same", well this one has an edge !

    Any help and guidance is welcome please.


    Google Translate of the letter :

    La signalisation, clairement affichée à l'entrée du parking et dans l'enceinte du parking, indique que ces terrains sont privés, que le parking est géré par l'organisation émettrice, que les personnes qui stationnent dans le parking acceptent les conditions générales d'utilisation du parking et que le non-respect de ces conditions entrainera une pénalité.

    ==> Signage, clearly displayed at the entrance to the car park and within the car park, indicates that these grounds are private, that the car park is managed by the issuing organization, that people who park in the car park accept the general conditions of use of the car park and that failure to comply with these conditions will result in a penalty.


    Nous vous informons, conformément au paragraphe 9(2)(b) de l'anenexe relative à la loi de 2012 'Freedoms Act' que le conducteur du véhicule indiqué ci-dessous est tenu de payer l'intégralité de cette redevance. Parce que nous ne connaissons pas le nom ni l'adresse du conducteur, si à cette période vous ne conduisiez pas le véhicule, il vous incombe de nous fournir le nom et l'adresse valide de la personne concernée et de lui remettre cet avis.

    ==> We advise you, pursuant to paragraph 9(2)(b) of the Schedule to the Freedoms Act 2012, that the driver of the vehicle listed below is liable to pay this charge in full. Because we do not know the name or address of the driver, if at that time you were not driving the vehicle, it is your responsibility to provide us with the name and valid address of the person concerned and to deliver this notice.


    Nous vous avertissons que si au bout de 29 jours, à compter de la date indiquée (présumée être le deuxième jour ouvrable après la date d'émission), la redevance de stationnement n'a pas été réglée dans son intégralité et si nous n'avons pas le nom et l'adresse du conducteur concerné, nous pouvons exiger auprès de vous le paiement de ce montant. Cet avertissement est issu conformément au paragraphe 9(2)(f) de l'annexe relative à la loi de 2012 'Freedoms Act' et est soumis à votre respect des conditions applicables conformément à l'annexe 4 de la loi. Si vous nous fournissez une adresse incorrecte ou bien désignez une personne qui nie avoir conduit le véhicule à ce moment, nous vous poursuivrons pour les sommes impayées.

    ==> We warn you that if after 29 days from the date shown (presumed to be the second working day after the date of issue) the parking charge has not been paid in full and if we do not have the name and address of the driver concerned, we may demand payment of this amount from you. This warning is issued pursuant to paragraph 9(2)(f) of the Schedule to the Freedoms Act 2012 and is subject to your compliance with the applicable terms pursuant to Schedule 4 of the Act. If you provide us with an incorrect address or appoint a person who denies driving the vehicle at the time, we will sue you for the unpaid amounts.


    S'il y a des/autres images associées aux dossiers, détaillées de cette notification, celles-ci peuvent être consultées en ligne à www.epcplc.com en utilisant le numéro de dossier et le numéro d'immatriculation du véhicule pour vous connecter.

    ==> If there are any/other images associated with the filings, detailed in this notification, these can be viewed online at www.epcplc.com using the filing number and vehicle registration number to login.




    IMPORTANT : Lorsque vous effectuez un paiement ou nous contactez, veuillez mentionner PCN-REF comme référence - les paiements et communications sans référence peuvent mener à un retard des paiements ou à une demande de paiment subséquente ou à un retard du traitement de votre communication. Veuillez noter qu'aucune réclamation ne peut être faite par téléphone.

    ==> IMPORTANT: When making a payment or contacting us, please quote PCN-REF as a reference - payments and communications without a reference may lead to delayed payments or subsequent payment request or delay in processing your communication. Please note that no complaints can be made over the phone.
    Last edited by Vasymolo; 8th November 2022, 16:49:PM.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    I wasn't allowed to attach this in the first post somehow.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      They really are trying their luck aren't they.

      The keeper could respond
      "I have just received your Notice to Keeper xxxxx for vehicle VRM xxxx

      You have failed to comply with the requirements of Schedule 4 of The Protection Of Freedoms Act 2012 namely, but not limited to, failing to deliver the notice within the relevant period of 14 days as prescribed by section 9 (4) of the Act. You cannot, therefore, transfer liability for the alleged charge from the driver at the time to me, the keeper.

      There is no legal requirement to name the driver at the time and I will not be doing so.

      Any further communication with me on this matter, apart from confirmation of no further action and my details being removed from your records, will be considered vexatious and harassment. This includes communication from any Debt Collection companies you care to instruct.

      Yours etc"

      obtain proof of posting from French post office


      • #4
        I agree that this appears to be a try-on, hoping to extract payment on the back of a few letters.

        Is this company really going to take legal action against a French resident? They will need to go through the process of obtaining permission to serve court process out of the jurisdiction and serving in a way that complies with the various rules, including French requirements. Should they obtain a judgement, which seems unlikely, enforcement will be less than straightforward.
        Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

        Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


        • #5
          Thank you both for your help.


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