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County Court Business parking fine

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  • County Court Business parking fine

    [IMG]https://legalbeagles.info/forums/image/gif;******,R0lGODlhAQABAPABAP///wAAACH5BAEKAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAICRAEAOw==[/IMG]​ Hello,
    I received a fine last September for parking over the time around midnight. I have been receiving fines, solicitor letters etc and have been ignoring them all. I have now received this and was wondering if I still carry on ignoring or is there action that I need to take. Any help would be appreciated. I have attached the letter, and have scribbled out any sensitive information.
    Thank You
    Tags: None

  • #2

    You need to convert the image into an acceptable format i.e. PDF etc and attach using paperclip icon. So we can see the letter you have received.


    • #3
      Hope this helps
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Use an external hosting site such as imgur and put the link,on here

        Post up the original PCN you received suitably redacted but leave dates

        if you haven't got the docs then SAR to parking company, CPR 31.14 request to the solicitor for signs and documents they will use in court.

        If it is claim form from the court then ignoring will get you a CCJ against you in a couple of weeks. Acknowledge the claim after 5 days using the details and password on the form but nothing in the defence. This gives you 33 days from the date of issue to get your defence to court

        Edit : IGNORE THE ABOVE

        Managed to read the form. You have managed to ignore too many letters, including the court claim form. You now have a judgement against you for £303.40 to be paid immediately. As it says on the form if you fail to pay within a month it will appear on your credit report.

        You can apply to have the judgement set aside but it will be difficult if you have ignored court forms


        • #5
          Originally posted by ostell View Post
          Use an external hosting site such as imgur and put the link,on here

          Post up the original PCN you received suitably redacted but leave dates

          if you haven't got the docs then SAR to parking company, CPR 31.14 request to the solicitor for signs and documents they will use in court.

          If it is claim form from the court then ignoring will get you a CCJ against you in a couple of weeks. Acknowledge the claim after 5 days using the details and password on the form but nothing in the defence. This gives you 33 days from the date of issue to get your defence to court

          Edit : IGNORE THE ABOVE

          Managed to read the form. You have managed to ignore too many letters, including the court claim form. You now have a judgement against you for £303.40 to be paid immediately. As it says on the form if you fail to pay within a month it will appear on your credit report.

          You can apply to have the judgement set aside but it will be difficult if you have ignored court forms
          Thanks OSTELL


          • #6
            Is there anything that can be done at all? Such as appealing it?


            • #7
              As I said you can try and get it set aside but having simply ignored the court would make that difficult. You need a good reason for not responding to the claim.

              Setaside application will cost you £255


              • #8
                Decided to make a payment for it, I spoke to the county court business centre and they advised if I make the payment to civil enforcement, they will write back to them and remove the CCJ as if it never existed as it’s within the 30 day period. my only worry is before I make the payment, I can’t seem to get in contact with anyone over the phone to civil enforcement apart from an automated payment line, how do I go about making sure they notify the courts that a payment has been made? As I need this CCJ removed.


                • #9
                  pay it and keep copy of receipt with reference number


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