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Should I pay Parking Charge Notice? MET Parking _ Debt Recovery Plus DRP _ McDonalds

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  • Should I pay Parking Charge Notice? MET Parking _ Debt Recovery Plus DRP _ McDonalds

    (As my case is so similar to another forum member's I have borrowed his script and updated my specifics)

    I received a PCN Reminder, attached, (no initial letter) from MET Parking for £100 back in May for over-staying in a Macdonalds car-park by 19 minutes above a permitted 60 minutes. (I was in the restaurant with my children and just lost track of time, what with it being so busy, the play area and the Ipads etc!)

    Even though I had missed the appeals date due to not having received the first letter (I've still never seen it) because we hadn't updated our postal address with DVLA - now updated, I sent them an email to state our case for why I thought we shouldn't have to pay.

    In my email I naively indentified myself as the driver and plead to their good will, which had previously worked for me with a council Penalty Charge Notice. They declined my appeal as it was past the 28 days. I attach their response.

    I missed the deadline to pay due to holiday, sickness and other factors and a week or so ago received a letter from Debt Recovery Plus asking for £170 (!) by 1st November. If I don't pay it they will... "recommend to our client (Met Parking) that they take court action against you."

    Having only just found Legal Beagles, I thought it might be worth a try to see if someone on here can help?

    Firstly, what is the likelihood of MET taking me to court? Does the fact that I never received the first letter mitigate the issue in my favour at all?
    second, what is the best course of action now? I do not want to pay £170 for over staying by a few minutes.

    Please help!
    Attached Files
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  • #2
    DRP can be ignored.

    Difficult as you appear to have identified the driver. If they didn't know the driver then the non receipt of the first notice would be of assistance. However I believe MET don't do court, at least not frequently.


    • #3
      Outstanding help thanks. So if I wanted to minimise the damage I should go back to MET and pay them? Or just ignore DRP and wait until (hopefully never) MET issue a court summons?


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