I have had a final notice from BW Legal having been fairly disdainful of their client Napier parking. I stupidly contacted Napier back in december (by email maybe, cannot find trace) after my husband as Registered Keeper got a demand for unpaid parking fee. I naively told them I was the driver at the time but that I had no intention or requirement to park: I was in an unfamiliar place & seeking a safe place to stop to make an urgent phone call (had been held up in motorway queue, late for meeting, needed to let colleague and meeting hosts know I wouldn't make it) the exit from the dual carriageway I was on took me into Napier's car park, where I paused to make 2 phone calls, check sat nav for a way to get home and left). Their ANPR photos (which I didn't know was there, I didn't stop to read any detailed signage as I wasn't intending to park) shows I was there for 11 mins. (sent in original communication by Napier but BW Legal reps don't seem to have this or details of my appeal
The information above was the substance of my appeal. I didn't bother with IPC as some knowledge that they are all cowboys to some degree and no faith in bothering with them.
Napier hence passed to BW Legal who have phoned me on various occasions and I have maintained I do not consider myself liable in the circumstances , was not seeking to park, did not leave my car and had no passengers that did, only wanted safe refuge to make urgent phone calls etc. Their reps have said various like 10 minute grace period (tho that's not been in their letters and nor on Napier T Cs I have seen online, although those T&Cs I have seen online did say acceptance of parking is leaving the car etc. Which I didn't
Anyway, I then requested BW Legal to cease ringing me and only communicate with me by post.
Now a Final Notice. No T&Cs, no evidence, letter not signed by an individual (unless BW Legal is the name of a person) letter very formulaic Contravention specified as Failure to make required payment in accordance with T&Cs. They are very keen to quote Parking Eye Ltd v Beavis (2015) I know this is a civil matter not criminal but I'd obviously rather keep this out of County Court.
Advice very welcome, got 7 days to respond, with payment obviously, to this letter received today!
The information above was the substance of my appeal. I didn't bother with IPC as some knowledge that they are all cowboys to some degree and no faith in bothering with them.
Napier hence passed to BW Legal who have phoned me on various occasions and I have maintained I do not consider myself liable in the circumstances , was not seeking to park, did not leave my car and had no passengers that did, only wanted safe refuge to make urgent phone calls etc. Their reps have said various like 10 minute grace period (tho that's not been in their letters and nor on Napier T Cs I have seen online, although those T&Cs I have seen online did say acceptance of parking is leaving the car etc. Which I didn't
Anyway, I then requested BW Legal to cease ringing me and only communicate with me by post.
Now a Final Notice. No T&Cs, no evidence, letter not signed by an individual (unless BW Legal is the name of a person) letter very formulaic Contravention specified as Failure to make required payment in accordance with T&Cs. They are very keen to quote Parking Eye Ltd v Beavis (2015) I know this is a civil matter not criminal but I'd obviously rather keep this out of County Court.
Advice very welcome, got 7 days to respond, with payment obviously, to this letter received today!