Hello everyone, this is my first post on this website and i appreciate anyone taking their time to read and respond to my pleas. This is quite overwhelming, its stressing me out as i find it difficult to get my head around all the legal stuff.
The driver parked in a car park, twice, in june or july 2017. Since then the driver had moved home, and sold his van, and i think around a year later (ish) he was just casually browsing his credit score, when he noticed 2 ccjs? he had not receieved any pcns or correspondence with these people and they've taken it all this way, one is for around £350 and the other the same.
So, the driver paid the £255, x2, and took 2 separate days off work to attend court where in the first instance, the judge set it aside in 30 seconds. The second, he was a bit short with the driver, looking down his nose at him and almost telling him off. Still, he remained polite, and the judge softened, and set it aside.
So, now a defence needs to be filed, and Ithe driver has no idea, even after reading and studying many webpages, he just can't get it. The driver is so desperate to get this all over with as its weighing him down something chronic, are any of you guys able to help with this, it would be massively appreciated.
Thank you
The driver parked in a car park, twice, in june or july 2017. Since then the driver had moved home, and sold his van, and i think around a year later (ish) he was just casually browsing his credit score, when he noticed 2 ccjs? he had not receieved any pcns or correspondence with these people and they've taken it all this way, one is for around £350 and the other the same.
So, the driver paid the £255, x2, and took 2 separate days off work to attend court where in the first instance, the judge set it aside in 30 seconds. The second, he was a bit short with the driver, looking down his nose at him and almost telling him off. Still, he remained polite, and the judge softened, and set it aside.
So, now a defence needs to be filed, and Ithe driver has no idea, even after reading and studying many webpages, he just can't get it. The driver is so desperate to get this all over with as its weighing him down something chronic, are any of you guys able to help with this, it would be massively appreciated.
Thank you