Hi All,
A friend received a PCN from a hotel carpark. They were using the bar at the hotel and as they were leaving they went to the parking meter which wasn't working. They then drove to the barrier and pressed the button but there was no answer so they drove off assuming the parking restrictions weren't in effect. This was on the 05/10/2018, they only received the letter on the 26/10/2018, and the date of the notice is the 11/10/2018.
They went back to the hotel today and they advised they don't own the car park so can't cancel the ticket for them, instead my friend needs to appeal to LPS. They went onto link and attempted to click on We also have our own letter which can be found by clicking HERE however this doesn't seem to work for me.
Can someone please assist? Does my friend have a leg to stand on with this appeal?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
A friend received a PCN from a hotel carpark. They were using the bar at the hotel and as they were leaving they went to the parking meter which wasn't working. They then drove to the barrier and pressed the button but there was no answer so they drove off assuming the parking restrictions weren't in effect. This was on the 05/10/2018, they only received the letter on the 26/10/2018, and the date of the notice is the 11/10/2018.
They went back to the hotel today and they advised they don't own the car park so can't cancel the ticket for them, instead my friend needs to appeal to LPS. They went onto link and attempted to click on We also have our own letter which can be found by clicking HERE however this doesn't seem to work for me.
Can someone please assist? Does my friend have a leg to stand on with this appeal?
Any help is greatly appreciated.