Hi all,
Has anyone had a PCN from these people?
A driver stopped in and had a burger and drink prior to his wife’s flight landing. He returned after collecting her, for food, within 60 minutes of leaving the car park. For the pleasure MET parking issues him a £100 Parking Charge Notice. He has spent in excess of £20 on food over the 2 visits. He is thinking of appealing. Anybody have any thoughts?
Has anyone had a PCN from these people?
A driver stopped in and had a burger and drink prior to his wife’s flight landing. He returned after collecting her, for food, within 60 minutes of leaving the car park. For the pleasure MET parking issues him a £100 Parking Charge Notice. He has spent in excess of £20 on food over the 2 visits. He is thinking of appealing. Anybody have any thoughts?