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SJPN for driving without insurance.

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  • SJPN for driving without insurance.

    Recently received a "further steps" notice from Greater Manchester Accounts and Enforcement Unit

    After back and forth with them, it turns out my insurance didn't auto renew and my car was spotted last October. My car was also registered at a previous address with the DVLA and its taken this time to track me down.

    I've since changed the registered keeper's address with the DVLA and I'm preparing to pay the fine.

    After checking with the DVLA there aren't any points on my license.

    My question is, with now insuring the car and being a named driver on another policy - there is a question - "Has any driver had any motoring convictions, fixed penalty offences or driving disqualifications in the last 5 years?" Does a SJPN count as a conviction? is the offence "IN10 - using a vehicle uninsured against third party risks"

    I've asked Greater Manchester Accounts and Enforcement Unit to send me through a copy of the original fine which should give me more information.

    Many thanks
    Tags: None

  • #2
    From your description it sounds as though you have been convicted of "keeping" a vehicle without insurance. This is contrary to s144A of the Road Traffic Act. The offence carries a fine only and no endorsement or penalty points.

    The more serious offence is "driving" a vehicle without insurance. This is contrary to s144 of the Road Traffic Act and it carries a fine, a minimum of six penalty points and an endorsement (code IN10). To be convicted of this the police would have to know who was driving either by stopping the vehicle at the time or issuing a "Request for Driver's Details" to the Registered Keeper. Again, from your description, it seems neither of these happened.

    An SJPN is a "Single Justice Procedure Notice". It is the usual way of starting court proceedings for minor offences. If found guilty as a result of such proceedings the result is a criminal conviction.

    So the answer to the insurer's question is "yes".


    • #3
      Originally posted by HandyAndy View Post
      From your description it sounds as though you have been convicted of "keeping" a vehicle without insurance. This is contrary to s144A of the Road Traffic Act. The offence carries a fine only and no endorsement or penalty points........
      Much appreciated, when speaking to Greater Manchester Accounts and Enforcement Unit they emailed - "the Offence - On the XXX/2023 you were the registered keeper of vehicle registration mark XX which did not meet the insurance requirements, contrary to Section 144A(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1988."

      Hopefully i'll get the original fine paperwork through soon so I can make sure the insurance is completely up to date.

      Do you know if there is a code/shorthand similar to IN10 for what I have been convicted of?
      Last edited by MIRWIN; 5th July 2024, 19:16:PM.


      • #4
        Do you know if there is a code/shorthand similar to IN10 for what I have been convicted of?
        No there isn't. IN10 is an endorsement code and an offence under s144a does not carry an endorsement.


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