My license was revoked last Feb when I declared I had beendependant on alcohol in the past. They revoked it for 1 year.
I have never been convicted, hadseizures, blackouts etc, I was a very tame but honest drunk
I re-applied in Feb and my Dr completed their questionnaire supporting me having 1year sobriety and I had blood tests at the Dr showing good liver function etc.
The DVLA have now requested I have a medical because I was Dependant.
Due to Covid their labs are closed and they cannot say when I can have one.
I am also a Carer of a vulnerable child and wife of a critical Covid worker.
I have found in law that they need reasonable grounds to request theirmedical, they don't seem to. They say their processes say I have to, so I have to.
HELP! How can I make them change their mind about making me need a DVLA medical that make take ages?
Many thanks
My license was revoked last Feb when I declared I had beendependant on alcohol in the past. They revoked it for 1 year.
I have never been convicted, hadseizures, blackouts etc, I was a very tame but honest drunk
I re-applied in Feb and my Dr completed their questionnaire supporting me having 1year sobriety and I had blood tests at the Dr showing good liver function etc.
The DVLA have now requested I have a medical because I was Dependant.
Due to Covid their labs are closed and they cannot say when I can have one.
I am also a Carer of a vulnerable child and wife of a critical Covid worker.
I have found in law that they need reasonable grounds to request theirmedical, they don't seem to. They say their processes say I have to, so I have to.
HELP! How can I make them change their mind about making me need a DVLA medical that make take ages?
Many thanks