Hi, Thanks for taking the time to read this & give advice
My problem is i was living in my car for a couple of Weeks & Started it to warm the car (Was very cold night) The Police drove upto me & Breathalyzed me i failed & On the evidential machine i was well over 6x to be honest :/
Now the fun bit The car was on a Council Carpark over the road from my old house & both the front wheels where off the car (Drive Shafts being fixed) & It’s on axle stands? But i have been charged with being drunk in charge?
I totally understand that having the keys on your person & starting a car while over the limit is an offence but surely the officer can’t really believe 1) I was in any fit way to drive & 2) Definitely in no state to install 2 drive shafts and 2 Wheels & then dive?
Have i any chance of beating this at court please? I have photo’s of car on stands & It is in the officers statement about the state of the car? Seems a little over the top but i’m extremely worried has i’m a Professional driver and can’t afford a Ban or Points to be honest
Again thanks for your time reading this Any help gratefully received
Kind Regards
My problem is i was living in my car for a couple of Weeks & Started it to warm the car (Was very cold night) The Police drove upto me & Breathalyzed me i failed & On the evidential machine i was well over 6x to be honest :/
Now the fun bit The car was on a Council Carpark over the road from my old house & both the front wheels where off the car (Drive Shafts being fixed) & It’s on axle stands? But i have been charged with being drunk in charge?
I totally understand that having the keys on your person & starting a car while over the limit is an offence but surely the officer can’t really believe 1) I was in any fit way to drive & 2) Definitely in no state to install 2 drive shafts and 2 Wheels & then dive?
Have i any chance of beating this at court please? I have photo’s of car on stands & It is in the officers statement about the state of the car? Seems a little over the top but i’m extremely worried has i’m a Professional driver and can’t afford a Ban or Points to be honest
Again thanks for your time reading this Any help gratefully received
Kind Regards