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DCBL Letter

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  • DCBL Letter

    Hi - been reading the forums and have come into a bit of an issue.

    My 85 year old mother received a notice of debt recovery from DCBL the other day for two PCNs from 2021. She has never received any previous correspondence on this matter so it came as somewhat of a shock to her. Total debt is £340.

    What would be the best option? She is worried sick bless her (and currently undergoing treatment for cancer so not in the best health). I would like to put her mind at ease if I can.

    for some reason I cannot upload letter so here’s the text:

    “NOTICE OF DEBT RECOVERY - Multiple Unpaid Parking Charges-£340.00

    You have 2 unpaid Parking Charge Notices (PCN's) relating to the above Vehicle Registration (as detailed on the attached statement), and Direct Collection Bailiffs Limited (DCBL) have been instructed to collect the outstanding balance on behalf of our Client. The PCNs were issued because the vehicle was parked in contravention of the terms and conditions outlined on the signage as agreed to by the driver when the vehicle entered and parked on private land.

    To ensure no further action is taken, you should make immediate payment by scanning the QR code below.

    Details of other ways to pay are on the reverse of this letter. To discuss your case, please call 0203 434 0428.

    Supreme Court Decision about Parking Charges

    A Supreme Court ruling in November 2015 reinforced that it is lawful for a parking operator to pursue payment of a correctly issued unpaid parking charge through the County Court. The case was an important test case for companies like our client. You can find further information online at:


    At this point, you are no longer able to appeal the parking charge. Your next opportunity to dispute the charge would be if the matter was taken to Court.

    Failing to make Payment

    You now have 14 days from the date of this letter to either pay the outstanding amount or call us to discuss repayment. This case is not subject to High Court or bailiff action, however, should you fail to contact us, we will recommend to our client the commencement of legal action against you.

    Yours sincerely,”

    Best wishes

    Tags: None

  • #2
    First of all reassure your mother that nothing terrible will happen.
    DCBL are toothless debt collectors who can do nothing except send out threatening letters.
    This is implied in their letter where they state "This case is not subject to High Court or bailiff action, however, should you fail to contact us, we will recommend to our client the commencement of legal action against you."

    The legal action will be the initiating of a county court claim, which can be defended.

    If this letter is ignored your mother will receive a "letter before Action" from a firm called "DCB Legal", followed by the court claim.
    Our experience is that if it is allowed to proceed to court and a robust defence is produced the claim is often discontinued by the parking company at the last minute.

    There is a fair way to go before this situation is resolved one way or the other, and whilst we would ordinarily advise the claim should be defended, you must take into account your mother's condition
    This company (and its ilk) know how to apply pressure whilst staying just within the law.

    If you & your mother decide to dispute the demands, we can guide you throughout the process, but do ensure that the driver of the vehicle at the time of the incidents is not revealed, either here or when writing to the opposition.


    • #3
      So finally received this from the lovely company. I guess and wait without response until the action is brought and then submit written defence? Which will be something about don’t know who was driving, had no notification this apart from previous letter, mother’s age, medical condition etc etc.

      Attached Files


      • #4
        The choices now are either "pay" (not recommended) or await DCB Legal's "Letter of Claim" .

        When that is to hand we can guide your mother through the next steps.
        Did your mother ever receive the alleged PCNs?


        • #5
          Thanks Des. Nope, that is what is strange. Never received PCN hence the surprise this has come out of the blue three years down the line!


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