I'm after some advice on a number if parking fines received at a hospital car park.
I drove my 40 weeks pregnant girlfriend to A&E as she had pains that didnt feel like labor. After triage, they told us to drive to the maternity area as she was indeed, in labor.
As she was in excruciating pain, I didnt pay on exit and drove round to Maternity. I got issue a £70 fine for being there 28 minutes at 11pm.
I parked in the maternity bay and there wasn't anyone on recpetion to take my registration details. I was parked here for 4 hours, then went home to get the hospital bag. I have been issued another £70 fine for this.
I returned to the hospital 30 mins later and again parked in the maternity bay. I will No doubt get another fine for this, as i was there for arpund 16 hours.
Any help greatly appreciated
I'm after some advice on a number if parking fines received at a hospital car park.
I drove my 40 weeks pregnant girlfriend to A&E as she had pains that didnt feel like labor. After triage, they told us to drive to the maternity area as she was indeed, in labor.
As she was in excruciating pain, I didnt pay on exit and drove round to Maternity. I got issue a £70 fine for being there 28 minutes at 11pm.
I parked in the maternity bay and there wasn't anyone on recpetion to take my registration details. I was parked here for 4 hours, then went home to get the hospital bag. I have been issued another £70 fine for this.
I returned to the hospital 30 mins later and again parked in the maternity bay. I will No doubt get another fine for this, as i was there for arpund 16 hours.
Any help greatly appreciated