Hi All
I have received a visit from a bailiff at the Marston Group who has clamped my car over the past weekend.
Upon calling the bailiff I was given limited information and had to call up their switchboard to get the info
I was told this stemmed from an alleged contravention at the beginning of the year.
I wrote to them via post and didn't hear nothing back and due to Covid I assumed they were just backlogged and would eventually get back to me.
Which they obviously didn't
I have now been told the debt is close to £600
I have completed the TE7 & TE9 forms which hopefully tomorrow morning would've been processed
I spoke to someone at the TEC team who said the removal of the clamp would be at the discretion of the council
My questions are:
- The car was parked on private land, was it legal for them to clamp it there?
- As the car is on hire purchase, can it be towed?
- What if any legal terms could I use to force their hands to take off the clamp at least until my appeal is heard?
I would seriously appreciate some help
This close to Christmas this is the last thing I want to be paying
I have received a visit from a bailiff at the Marston Group who has clamped my car over the past weekend.
Upon calling the bailiff I was given limited information and had to call up their switchboard to get the info
I was told this stemmed from an alleged contravention at the beginning of the year.
I wrote to them via post and didn't hear nothing back and due to Covid I assumed they were just backlogged and would eventually get back to me.
Which they obviously didn't
I have now been told the debt is close to £600
I have completed the TE7 & TE9 forms which hopefully tomorrow morning would've been processed
I spoke to someone at the TEC team who said the removal of the clamp would be at the discretion of the council
My questions are:
- The car was parked on private land, was it legal for them to clamp it there?
- As the car is on hire purchase, can it be towed?
- What if any legal terms could I use to force their hands to take off the clamp at least until my appeal is heard?
I would seriously appreciate some help
This close to Christmas this is the last thing I want to be paying