I have driven a company car for the last five years but now have to buy my own. I called the insurance company I have a motorcycle insured with for a quote and they asked me if I have had any accidents in the last 5 years, being honest I told the agent someone had scraped my company car in a car park nearly 2 years ago, however it was all settled without involving either of the insurance companies (the gentleman in question paid for the damage to be repaired). The agent has said this must be noted and gave me an extortionate quote, when questioned she said it was because of the accident and it would be on my policy if I took it with them, even though I never had an accident and no insurance companies were involved. I would appreciate some advice on whether this has to be the case and if I phone another insurance company will they be aware of my so called accident. I am aware that they share data bases so would I be right or wrong in getting another quote and not telling them about my 'accident'
Any advice would be very much appreciated.
Any advice would be very much appreciated.