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Parking charge notice Sainsbury’s

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  • Parking charge notice Sainsbury’s

    Hello please could somebody help me, I just received a letter stating that I need to pay a parking charge notice as I went to Sainsbury’s and they said I went over the time aloud to park there, it’s a 90 min stay and I was there for two hours, I don’t believe I was that long but this is what it says. What to I say to try get it dismissed as it’s was with all this Covid 19 going on and I had to wait longer on line and can’t afford to pay this now as it’s hard time at the moment and on my own with children? Do I have to pay it if it’s not the council? Thank you x
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Need to see all the PCN.* Edit the post so that the identity of the driver cannot be inferred.* Use "the driver ......." etc.

    Have you complained to Sainsburys ?* Did the driver visit twice>?


    • #3


      • #4
        No didn’t go in twice, I no took longer to get severed as more people with more shooing lining up but sure wasn’t that long*


        • #5
          N thank you for trying to help I had to post the pic in two half’s as it wouldn’t fit it all in one*


          • #6
            You were asked to edit so that the identity of the driver cannot be inferred.* You have identified the driver again!* Please edit before the edit button is disabled.

            Dear Sirs,
            I have just received your Notice to Keeper xxxxx for vehicle VRM xxxx
            You have failed to comply with the requirements of Schedule 4 of The Protection Of Freedoms Act 2012 namely, but not limited to, failing to give the invitation to keeper as prescribed by section 9 (2) (e) of the Act.* You cannot, therefore, transfer liability for the alleged charge from the driver at the time to me, the keeper.
            There is no legal requirement to name the driver at the time and I will not be doing so.
            I do not expect to hear from you again, or your debt collectors, except to confirm that no further action will be taken on this matter and my personal details have been removed from your records.
            Yours etc

            First class post with free certificate of posting from a post office.



            • #7
              Hello thank you so much for your help, I’m not sure where I have identified the driver and how to edit it, also sorry but could you please explain what it means in the letter that I will be sending back to them? Like what are the grounds I don’t understand the terminology? Sorry and thanks agin*


              • #8
                Using "I" is a dead giveaway. You use the Edit button on the blue line below your post

                They can only hold the keeper liable if they comply fully with POFA. You could have found it with a Google of the terms in the letter but here it is http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/...dule/4/enacted

                Would suggest you read othe threads about parking rather than just staying within this one


                • #9
                  Thank you think may have missed the edit time as wont let me change my when click on the line but thank you anyway*


                  • #10
                    There is an edit button on the line,* it's* not sufficient to just click on the line.* My post less than an hour later is still editable


                    • #11


                      • #12
                        Thank you the driver sent the letter you said and this is what was received back. What should the driver do now please? The driver is sure they wasn’t in for over that amount of time and they have said parking tickets won’t be enforced at the moment due to long waiting times, this was about a week before lock down I think but lines was long then as people panicking buying. Thank you


                        • #13
                          No the driver did not send the letter !!!!! The registered keeper did !! And is handling everything else.

                          You now prepare an appeal to POPLA using the fact that they did not comply with the requirements of POFA to transfer liability from the driver to the keeper.

                          * The invitation incorrect
                          * No period of parking. 9 (2) (a)

                          Search this forum and the Pepipoo forums for POLA appeals that you can edit.

                          Have you complained to Sainsburys?
                          Last edited by ostell; 14th May 2020, 13:08:PM.


                          • #14
                            Sorry, the registrated keeper did. Have looked for that fourm but can not find it, sorry I am dyslexic and am finding this difficult to navigate and to understand what to do and Wright, and what it all means, will be going today so will speak to them there


                            • #15
                              Edit your post #12 to show who sent the letter


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