I spend much time reading this fantastic site and now find myself needing some advice ,
last Monday I received a Council tax bill for an old address that I haven't lived at since early 2005 there were no dates just a breakdown of charges within the various funds and a demand for 699.96 the letter was dated 27th April and received in the post on 9th May..
I sent off a letter recorded delivery denying liability and asking for details of how this charge relates to me and is derived signed for received on the 12th
Fast forward to yesterday and a further demand arrived dated 9th May the same day I received the original bill
This letter is from the council not from an enforcement agent
Notice of Enforcement adding an enforcement fee of £75 and demanding £774.96 to be paid before 10am on the 23rd May
and specifying that if this is not done an agent will call and will charge £235 + 7.5% and a sale stage fee of £110 + 7.5%
Only additional detail on this letter is that a liability order was issued on the 19/07/2006
I'm 100% positive this isn't my bill as there were no outstanding charges when I moved out and the council knew I had moved as they covered the new house
Two questions what is the best way to deal with this as I have no intention of paying this based on these sparse details and secondly how can the council send a letter within a few days charging £75 enforcement I thought the enforcement fee was an inflated charge for setting up an account tracing etc by the enforcement agency?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
last Monday I received a Council tax bill for an old address that I haven't lived at since early 2005 there were no dates just a breakdown of charges within the various funds and a demand for 699.96 the letter was dated 27th April and received in the post on 9th May..
I sent off a letter recorded delivery denying liability and asking for details of how this charge relates to me and is derived signed for received on the 12th
Fast forward to yesterday and a further demand arrived dated 9th May the same day I received the original bill
This letter is from the council not from an enforcement agent
Notice of Enforcement adding an enforcement fee of £75 and demanding £774.96 to be paid before 10am on the 23rd May
and specifying that if this is not done an agent will call and will charge £235 + 7.5% and a sale stage fee of £110 + 7.5%
Only additional detail on this letter is that a liability order was issued on the 19/07/2006
I'm 100% positive this isn't my bill as there were no outstanding charges when I moved out and the council knew I had moved as they covered the new house
Two questions what is the best way to deal with this as I have no intention of paying this based on these sparse details and secondly how can the council send a letter within a few days charging £75 enforcement I thought the enforcement fee was an inflated charge for setting up an account tracing etc by the enforcement agency?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated