Hi everyone. Thanks for the add Legal Beagles. I am a full time student and have been since 2011. I was working as well until August 2013 but as this is my final dissertation year I left work due to then pressuring me to work diff hours and days here and there but I have 3 kids so couldn't juggle childcare. Long story short I accidentally didn't declare my student loans when I was working and now they say I owe £4.990 in hb overpayments and £1200 council tax! I don't think they have not looked at £693 annual
notional disregard and £10 per week thereafter and now sending letter to
Ombudsman at council to look at. They asked me for interview under caution but declined due to the venue being my old workplace and also felt very humiliated when I saw work colleagues outside benefit fraud teams office . What do I do? I'm scared that bailiffs will come out as my first payment of £322 is due on the 7th of December and I do not have the funds as a) they have stopped my
housing benefit and I'm already a month behind on rent and also after speaking to
a fellow student who works part time and gets full student loans, doesn't have to pay council tax!
notional disregard and £10 per week thereafter and now sending letter to
Ombudsman at council to look at. They asked me for interview under caution but declined due to the venue being my old workplace and also felt very humiliated when I saw work colleagues outside benefit fraud teams office . What do I do? I'm scared that bailiffs will come out as my first payment of £322 is due on the 7th of December and I do not have the funds as a) they have stopped my
housing benefit and I'm already a month behind on rent and also after speaking to
a fellow student who works part time and gets full student loans, doesn't have to pay council tax!