Hope someone can give me advice to my ongoing saga :
I issued a rental bog standard contract 10 years ago to a single parent and child on HB, no problems until a year ago when a new partner came on the scene
tenants contribution to the rent stopped although HB was paid direct to me.
After lots of thing and frying I issued a section 8 and it is due to be heard in 10 days time.
Dilemma is now tenant is now paying and the debt equates to less than 2 months rent so I assume this will now be thrown out so not really worth going ahead
My questions are as follows :
Can I issue a new contract with the new partner on the contract as well as he does live there
the rent has been the same for all the tenancy and is well below market rent, on the new contract can I revise the rent and by what acceptable percentage without being sued and would I have to have a deposit for the new contract
I issued a rental bog standard contract 10 years ago to a single parent and child on HB, no problems until a year ago when a new partner came on the scene
tenants contribution to the rent stopped although HB was paid direct to me.
After lots of thing and frying I issued a section 8 and it is due to be heard in 10 days time.
Dilemma is now tenant is now paying and the debt equates to less than 2 months rent so I assume this will now be thrown out so not really worth going ahead
My questions are as follows :
Can I issue a new contract with the new partner on the contract as well as he does live there
the rent has been the same for all the tenancy and is well below market rent, on the new contract can I revise the rent and by what acceptable percentage without being sued and would I have to have a deposit for the new contract