Hi We got a fixed 3 year 30 year repayment mortgage in 2006 via Bairstow Eves from GE money,our main specification was that it be a movable mortgage,as we did not intend to keep the house we were buying for life a few years at most,we were told no problem,we had to keep the mortgage for 3 years or pay penalties ,we said fine it will take that long to find another town in which to live,and work obviously,although I was 39 my husband was 33 so they put the paper together on the joint mortgage.I asked where does it say its movable I can't see it I was put on the phone to GE who assured me it was a movable mortgage.
Whe we took posession of the house I found out I was pregnant 2 months later I lost the baby the second in 2 years and so went to work giving up on the idea 6 months later I was pregnant again ,Sick up to 20 times aday right through getting weaker every day by the time the baby came along I was suffering dpression,and so weak it took me half an hour to walk up the stairs. I was sacked from my job for having time off sick,I later learnd that I should have sued, but too late,2 years later my husband had to leave work after sustaining an injury at work ,he tried to sue burt the equipment involved was removed and said never to have existed ,being scarborough council and one of the most corrupt in britain this did not suprise me,a dead line had been put on medical proof that was a day befor e the results were in,we started to look at other houses and rang ge t find out how the mortgage transfer worked and were told they didn't and never had done movable mortgages ,at this point our house was salable ,arguing got us no where.he spend a few years in low paid min hours it didnt help then came 2 years on the dole didn't help everything ran down paying a top up of half the mortgage that was tight anyway 3 months with no help whatsoever,during this time we had decided we applied for jobs accross 5 counties no luck .then finally my husband got a job,one downfall we could not afford a mortgage and rent4 months later we are repsessed sbc have had full council tax,as they only offer 1 free month on an empty property despite it having second highest council tax in the country.God knows what they will sell the house for but if what i have seen is anything to go by the will be chasing us for thousands ,if we had a movable mortgage we could have had dozens of jobs but you need a local address to get most jobs ,you cant rent a house or anything else without a job .to be stuck in that hell of an existance with no escape was so depressing. is there any legal recompence againt Ge ,I know morally they owe me nearly 5 years of my life +.and my kids my youngest has never even had real birthday party .My 2nd elest hates me because not only had I not had the money to visit her for a year i coulnt even afford a card for her 21st.My eldest is understanding and the other middle is optimistic for better times this mortgage destroyed controlled and devowered my life .
Whe we took posession of the house I found out I was pregnant 2 months later I lost the baby the second in 2 years and so went to work giving up on the idea 6 months later I was pregnant again ,Sick up to 20 times aday right through getting weaker every day by the time the baby came along I was suffering dpression,and so weak it took me half an hour to walk up the stairs. I was sacked from my job for having time off sick,I later learnd that I should have sued, but too late,2 years later my husband had to leave work after sustaining an injury at work ,he tried to sue burt the equipment involved was removed and said never to have existed ,being scarborough council and one of the most corrupt in britain this did not suprise me,a dead line had been put on medical proof that was a day befor e the results were in,we started to look at other houses and rang ge t find out how the mortgage transfer worked and were told they didn't and never had done movable mortgages ,at this point our house was salable ,arguing got us no where.he spend a few years in low paid min hours it didnt help then came 2 years on the dole didn't help everything ran down paying a top up of half the mortgage that was tight anyway 3 months with no help whatsoever,during this time we had decided we applied for jobs accross 5 counties no luck .then finally my husband got a job,one downfall we could not afford a mortgage and rent4 months later we are repsessed sbc have had full council tax,as they only offer 1 free month on an empty property despite it having second highest council tax in the country.God knows what they will sell the house for but if what i have seen is anything to go by the will be chasing us for thousands ,if we had a movable mortgage we could have had dozens of jobs but you need a local address to get most jobs ,you cant rent a house or anything else without a job .to be stuck in that hell of an existance with no escape was so depressing. is there any legal recompence againt Ge ,I know morally they owe me nearly 5 years of my life +.and my kids my youngest has never even had real birthday party .My 2nd elest hates me because not only had I not had the money to visit her for a year i coulnt even afford a card for her 21st.My eldest is understanding and the other middle is optimistic for better times this mortgage destroyed controlled and devowered my life .