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I'm at a total loss as to what to do!

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  • I'm at a total loss as to what to do!

    Hi Ev1,
    My apologies first all for the saga that is my life, right now. But I'm feeling so overwhelmed & I'm lost as to what to do now.

    So any help would be gratefully received!

    I'm currently married with 4 sons (3 still live at home) & we live in the Private Rental sector. My husband & 2 elder sons work full time, I myself am on IB & DLA due to botched Epidural that left me with Cauda Equina Syndrome & lots of not so lovely medications to take! (whole another saga is this)

    So anyways we do not get any HB or CT benefits as we aren't entitled. So I rely on my husbands wages & my benefits to live upon.

    Now the issues I have are;

    I became seriously ill after the trauma of a botched epidural & subsequent major spinal surgery, that left me with Cauda Equina Syndrome. This is turn led to PTSD & Psychosis! So for a few years I'd checked out on life & my family by hiding away in my bedroom. So in fact my husband had control of everything from our children to our finances etc etc.

    I then to everyone's surprise turned a corner & started to join life again. It was not too long after that my "real nightmare" began.** (skipping onwards to join time line below)

    My husband is a verbally, mentally abusive coward who has extremely serious gambling issues! Which he does not & will not acknowledge. I only found out about it approx **5 years ago when we were illegally evicted from our home (as he stole the rent money without my knowledge) & we all ended up living in a 2 bed caravan that wasn't fit for a dog lest alone a family! (There's more to this but is the bare bones) I had also discovered just before the illegal eviction that my husband had stolen all our savings & my jewellery along with his also going missing! Cue big confrontation which was never resolved due to our homelessness, but we had an *agreement to be going on with!!

    Anyways we lived in this tin box nightmare for just over 2 years & it had a very profound affect on one of my sons & myself! (I.E no life & depression was our friend) It was only the fact my eldest son moved back in with us that finally got us into a new house with proper facilities etc.

    During all this time my husband would continue to tap me for more & more money, using fantastical stories (which I only discovered afterwards) as after our first big confrontation (as above*), it was agreed that he would have no access to our bank accounts & he agreed to a certain amount of money each week! So then the lies began with the fantastical stories about what & why he needed extra money.......

    I was too scared of confronting him again but we fought a great deal, always over money!! I.E him wanting more & me saying no! But I still couldn't confront him about his Gambling issues as I actually have no proof at all. Apart from his never ending lies & gut feeling. As he's not a drinker or into drugs etc.

    I then found out he had a secret bank account (as the statement came to our address) & upon checking his internet history on pc it's full of pages after pages of betting & gambling sites. There's race results & the like & it goes back month after month (as I save my Internet history for 999 days). I've also seen betting slips & bank Withdrawl slips for his not so secret bank account!! And I for over 2 years kept it all to myself & let him continue to lie to me for more money all the time.

    I felt like I was in this on my own & then one day I found Gamblers Anonymous. I used their Counselling services as a partner to a Gambler & they after listening to me, confirmed my fears about his secret gambling. I spent over 9 mths having GA counselling & I stopped it in the end as I was getting no where. I was still too scared to confront him & this was always the place I got stuck on.

    And then one day approx 20 mths ago 2 of my sons confessed that my husband had been asking them for money (whilst saying NOT to tell your mum) Which hit me hard! I in turn spoke to my 3rd son (who doesn't live with us) & got a complete horror story from him about money he'd also given to my husband! It added up into a few £1000s!!!!

    So I told all my 3 elder sons to no longer give him money under no circumstances as I would no longer pay it back!!

    This had made me so angry as not only had my husband lied & stolen from me, he was now also using our 3 sons to fund his Gambling habit!! (There's also been loans etc his had all unbeknownst to me)!

    And yet I still wasn't strong enough to confront him!

    It was one w/end last August that finally made me go over the edge! (This involved a massive big lie, our youngest son & my husbands ex wife). I waited for him to get back from his w/end away & I told him to meet me outside his work place. Cue a big massive confrontation (which I recorded for my protection) & whilst I remained calm as I could he was so abusive towards me that it ended up with my leaving stood on the pavement & me driving off as he threw rocks at me!!

    From that day onwards I was no longer scared of him & his abusive ways! It ended up that I would not sleep in same room as him nor cook for him. (This is still like this nearly 10 mths later) I have also confronted him on at least 8 separate occasions now re his lies, gambling issues & everything else that's he's never answered for!

    He still will NOT acknowledge he has a gambling addiction, He uses being verbally & mentally abusive as weapons & last time he tried to throw me out of our home! He even went as far as going to grab me to do so, this confrontation was witnessed by my best friend!! No one other than my 2 youngest & I have witnessed him like this until this last confrontation, which he started!!

    I'm NOT scared of him anymore! In fact I'm sick of him & his lies & abuse. I even tried to get him to go to a GA meeting but he refuses to acknowledge any of things he's done/doing or admit he's actually got a problem!

    Which leads me to my current position & where I'm literally stuck!

    Our present home is under a TA that names my husband & my eldest son (as they both work & I do not)! So over the last few months I've been trying to find out how I stand legally. It turns out I can't throw my husband out as he's the legal Tenant. But he can me!! I also cannot claim HB even if he left on his own accord as I'm NOT named on TA. I double checked all this via our Council Housing & Benefits sections.

    So I then looked at privately renting a house for my sons & I. I rang around 8/9 letting agents & ALL off them have said "working Tenants only" & NO DHSS Whatever the story maybe!! And as I don't work I can't rent a property in my own name! I can using either my husband or sons BUT I can't claim HB as I'm NOT a named Tenant!!! I do not see why my 2 working sons should have to pay my rent as I'm their Mum!

    The worst thing is my husband knows exactly how I stand legally as it's come out in a few confrontations! So I'm literally stuck in a toxic marriage which is having a series affect on my health (the stress is taking its toll) & I've got NO way out off this situation! As I can't work again due to my ill health & yet I can't claim HB as I'm not a named Tenant!! It's really messing with my head as I'm stuck in a never ending abusive nightmare which has no end in sight.

    There are days I feel like just ending it, just to get away from this situation. Yes I'm stronger now & I'm no longer scared of confronting my husband etc (although it's doesn't do any good as the wanting more money & never ending lies still continue) & we are still sleeping apart & I don't cook for him still (since last august) He does NOTHING to either to repair our situation or even end our marriage! Unbelievably he acts as all is normal, when in fact this situation is about as far from normal as you can get!!

    It's taken a toll on our sons, our marriage & my health. I do want out & for my husband to just leave us in peace! But I'm now totally lost as it seems legally I'm totally fu**ked!!

    My sincere apologies for the length of my first ever post! I did not set out to make it into the long saga it's become! But this is my life!

    Many thanks Ev1!!
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: I'm at a total loss as to what to do!

    Hi Ev1,

    I've just read your post and my heart goes out to you. I don't have the knowledge to advise you of your next step but I was in a similar situation to you last year.

    You have made one of the best decisions you will ever make as there are experts on here who will be able to point you in the right direction.

    I had days when I wondered why I even bothered getting out of bed but thanks to all the lovely people on LB I have come through the worst and am looking forward to the future.

    You are amongst friends and I wish you well from the bottom of my heart.

    Ruthie x


    • #3
      Re: I'm at a total loss as to what to do!

      Not sure you've said but how old are your sons and do they all live with you and your husband?

      Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

      Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


      • #4
        Re: I'm at a total loss as to what to do!

        Just a little info from Shelter on Social Housing and how to apply etc http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advice/social_housing


        • #5
          Re: I'm at a total loss as to what to do!

          Many many thanks to you all for your replies!

          I'm trying my hardest to keep it together right now, as at last I'm starting to be honest & finally talk about my situation. It wasn't easy to write it & even now I feel a bit panicky as I feel so torn. In one way I know this situation cannot keep going on as my sons & I have had enough. But a part off me is really scared!

          But to answer your questions. Theres my husband & I, we have 4 sons, the ones who are aged 24, 20 & 12 live at home & my son aged 22 lives elsewhere.

          The 2 elder ones who live at home both work full time. And my youngest is in School.

          Thank you for the Shelters link, I have been on there quite a few times as they have these answer responses to questions. It was on their Site originally that I discovered that I'm not not legally protected as I'm not a named Tenant! "Gutted" so I followed this up by ringing my local Council Housing office, only to have it confirmed by them.

          Not named on a TA = No legal right to stay & No entitlement to HB! �� Yet I can't be named on a TA as I do not work!! And around & around I go!!

          It actually feels like my Husband has me over a barrel! So I've no choice at all...

          I did also ask about going on the Council Social Housing list, you can imagine the response I got! To give you an idea the list is so long that there are ones on it who are still waiting after a number of years.

          But you know the one thing that actually gets me; Is the fact we've been married approx 13 yrs & my Husband does not show any guilt or conscience for what he's done & is still continuing to do!! Yet I'm the one that feels I'm in pieces here & so stressed out whilst he's still happily lying & manipulating me into giving him more & more money.

          As an example, this is his latest trick;

          He rang me last week to say his car is on fire outside Tescos. I was like what do you want me to do? So he says we can claim on insurance & he then asked if we are still with the A A. Yes says I. (Now he did not mention calling fire brigade or if anyone else was affected)

          A few hours later. This car on fire scenario has now changed into oh it was smoking a bit.

          The very next day. I got a text from him asking for £40 for a Starter Motor! And can I put it into the bank asap.

          At this point I've still not seen the car as "it's left where it was" but my best friends husband works nearby to my husband. And he told me that my husbands car was tucked up away (like it was hidden) in a corner of their works yard!

          So much for it still being sat outside Tesco all fire damaged then!!

          Anyways I did not put the £40 in. Instead I went online & checked out £ for used Starter motor. It ranges from £17.50 upwards.

          Two nights later my husband came home (as his job does take him away overnight "supposedly") & I looked out the window & guess what I see parked up at the bottom of our drive?

          Yep his Car!! Without any type of fire/smoke damage!!

          And first thing he asks "why ain't I put the money in"

          Now because I wouldn't give him any money at all. He took both sets of his car keys & his car has been sat out on our drive ever since. (so this means I can't check out any of his lies oppsss ment stories)

          He now wants a new car!! And now instead of £40 for a Starter motor he wants £1500!!!

          I can't win!! He has got to be "the" world's best manipulator.

          But can I prove it? No like with everything else!

          It's driving me nuts!!


          • #6
            Re: I'm at a total loss as to what to do!

            Have you tried Women's Aid for help? http://www.womensaid.org.uk/

            My very, very good wishes xx :hug:


            • #7
              Re: I'm at a total loss as to what to do!

              Many thanks for your link & good wishes, MissFM.

              I have registered with women's aid, I am now waiting on an verification email, so I can then post there. So thank you!

              My husband hasn't been home for the last few days & as I'd given him his agreed weekly allowance on Monday, I've had daily texts asking for more & more money! It just never stops..... it simply wouldn't matter if I gave him from £60 upto a few £100s per week, it still never is enough!

              In GA they spoke about "enabling" this is where you give in to their demands for more money. That was me before GA. So since I stopped GA counselling, I started to say "no" or "ignore" his demands.

              So my husband then changed tactics, he then started to tell lies (aka BS stories) that he needed, parking money, bridge money, work tools money & so it went on! (he would tell me his work would refund all these costs BUT they never did, as he then also stopped his wage slips coming here!)

              Then he changed up a gear & required significant amounts for "courses" (which I later found out his Employer paid for anyways! !) & getting "different licences" renewed! (he really took me for a fool) & then I'd get calls to say someone is selling something cheap, none of these things ever materialised!!

              Then he went up another gear by declaring he needs a new tyre (there was 6/7 tyres in a year) & still the lies came.....

              Then items started disappearing out the house, never to be seen again.... (just as did all his/mine jewellery along with all our savings! )

              Then his clothes also started disappearing & his washing has gotten less & less!! (I do believe his sold his clothes to a cash 4 clothes store)

              My money pots were all emptied out & cashed in, without my knowledge!

              His been trying to sell his pension pots to various back street unsavory companies (luckily I caught him out & stopped him from doing so as he'd lose £1000s)

              He's taken out loans, which haven't been repaid or to my knowledge.... (I received post which is how I found out)

              He's also been applying for Car Finance loans (again found hidden paperwork)

              As for his "not so secret bank account" I've never received another statement so I've no idea what's going in/out from it.

              And so it continues to go on & on & on! I've absolutely "NO PROOF" at all to either prove or disprove him. That's how clever he is!!

              How do I know his lying? because his lips are moving!! lol

              I'm so done with it all!!

              It's not as if I'm sat here NOT trying to do something about all off this, I have been desperately searching the Internet & making calls, having GA counselling & finding my legal position in all this!! All to no avail as I'm NOT named on a TA!

              I do find the whole situation incredible, as surely I CANNOT be the only "one" whose in or been in this kind of situation!

              It sounds totally hopeless now, so I'm stuck in a toxic marriage with no hope of getting out & so back around I go again!!


              • #8
                Re: I'm at a total loss as to what to do!

                Do you have any family or friends you could go to ... breaking the cycle is the first step.

                And talk with your sons. They are old enough to help you deal with the situation.

                Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                • #9
                  Re: I'm at a total loss as to what to do!

                  Having read this as a Man I must say its time to get out find a relative or a friend take what you can get the helpthats available and get on with your life away from him .

                  Like all others on here I cannot put down the words I would speak about him unless they remove the bad word filters Amethyst and others on here will offer help and advice please tell them everything they CARE and will see you through it all.


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