I have a repossession hearing on 16th June 2014 initiated by Eurosail-2006-1 PLC (c/o Wilmington Trust SP Services). I have arrears of £2300 and the monthly payment is £113 per month. I am currently on ESA and receiving government interest help of £27.64 paid directly to Acenden the loan administrators for want of a better word. I try to pay £30 per month from my benefit but can't always make it. Acenden and Eurosail's attitude has become increasingly hostile and uncooperative recently. I think its since house prices started to rise but then I could be paranoid.. There is no leeway with these people, I have spoken to people who one minute tell me they are from Acenden and the next call they're Eurosail. Shelter have been helping me and when their rep told Eurosail/Acenden we were going to try and sell the house she got "We're not having that" and then the solicitors letters started with repossession. I have been unemployed since 2009 and now my health is not great which has led to me being on ESA since January while hospital tests are being done. I am 60, have arthritis in knees, hips and hands.
SSAFA and the Army Benevolent Fund are assisting to get temp funding from my regiments funds to bring house up to scratch before I can put on the market.
Is there any advice you can give me.
I am resigned to selling my house but I don't want it taken from me. I have equity and it is all I have for the future whatever that entails. Thanks for any help.
SSAFA and the Army Benevolent Fund are assisting to get temp funding from my regiments funds to bring house up to scratch before I can put on the market.
Is there any advice you can give me.
I am resigned to selling my house but I don't want it taken from me. I have equity and it is all I have for the future whatever that entails. Thanks for any help.