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Reserve account

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  • Reserve account

    Hi we have been forced to sell our house because my wife lost her benefits due to the government
    and the banks/building society when we transferred our mortgage to our new lender we were given the option
    of a mortgage reserve account of £20,000 telling us that we could use at any time without applying for loans
    as years went on we did use the money for various things and we where both working then my wife became ill and
    has not worked for about 10 years but the lender kept putting money back into the reserve account and we used
    it to make payments to the account as we could not afford to make the payments plus we used some of it to stay
    afloat now the account has reached £45,000 they have caped it and the interest is £200 a month and it is now £49000
    we was not told it had been caped until we received a letter saying we where behind and they where looking to
    take action so when i rang them they then told me it had been caped

    when we first took out the new mortgage it said that the reserve account had to be paid by the end of the
    mortgage term and we only signed for the £20,000 now the way i look at it is i think there should take some blaim
    for not explaining how it would work as we have now used up our equity and now we have had to sell our house
    at a loss so they don't reposes and are moving into a static caravan because our credit rating is none existing

    can anyone help or suggest anything we have sold but are cumming away with basically nowt and having to rely on friends and family to help with the move in to the caravan
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Reserve account

    Hi - So sorry to have missed your post - I;ve moved it down to the relevant forum.

    Would you happen to have a copy of the terms of the reserve account?

    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

    Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


    • #3
      Re: Reserve account

      Hi yes we have the original paper work


      • #4
        Re: Reserve account

        Any chance you can scan them or photograph them and upload them here ? (I know that's a bit of a big ask but only way to know if the terms allow for what has happened is to go through them all)

        Who was the lender on the mortgage with the reserve account ?

        Is the account all settled now or have you been left with a shortfall after the sale of your house?

        Did you take any advice, visit a solicitor or CAB etc before selling your property ?

        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

        Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


        • #5
          Re: Reserve account

          hi i can scan the details no problem it is with the woolwich / Barclay we are still waiting for the buyers solicitors
          so we are still paying the mortgage
          i didnt see anyone has we where pressured into selling or we were told we could lose the house


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