Re: We lost - repo pending :-(
After re reading your thread
you could also ask the solicitor (or make the application yourself as it is a quite easy process) to make a application to the court for the disclosure of the documents that you reqiure, with a N244 and a unless order giving them 5 days to produce the docs you require or else their case gets struck out
With the CPR request they can (if they want to be awckward) come back and say they do not have to comply with the request, as litigtion has already started so they will produce them at disclosure stage
In my opinion the unless order is far quicker way than a SAR or a CPR
and after re reading this
I suspect that the judge is throwing a life line here as there is s good chance that he has noticed sumit that is NOT right with the whole case, therefor giving you extra time to get a good case together to fight this, so I am 99.9% sure that the judge would grant the unless order in a heartbeat
After re reading your thread
you could also ask the solicitor (or make the application yourself as it is a quite easy process) to make a application to the court for the disclosure of the documents that you reqiure, with a N244 and a unless order giving them 5 days to produce the docs you require or else their case gets struck out
With the CPR request they can (if they want to be awckward) come back and say they do not have to comply with the request, as litigtion has already started so they will produce them at disclosure stage
In my opinion the unless order is far quicker way than a SAR or a CPR
and after re reading this
We have been given extra to time appeal as the argument is open to interpretation. This is under consideration.