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Taking letting agents to court/urgent help needed

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  • Taking letting agents to court/urgent help needed

    I am raisin claim in small claims court to reclaim deposit but was told I should add interest as well.....
    How do I do this and how do I write it on the form?

    someone mentioned 8% is that right

    help and advice much appreciated.... we only doin this coz lettin agents aint been replyin to recorded delivery letters and e-mails and calls etc.

    also they re-let my daughters flat to another man while she still had keys.....that shouldnt have happened but it did......

  • #2
    Re: takin letting agents to court/urgent help needed

    Statutory Interest

    You are entitled to ask for Interest on the amount you are claiming, this is currently 8% per year. If you want to claim interest you must put on your claim that you want your opponent to pay interest.
    You are entitled to claim interest from the date of your "Claim Form" until the date of the trial.

    1. To calculate the "Statutory Interest" of 8% you must take 8% of the amount of your claim. For example, if your claim is for £3,000 the Statutory Interest of 8% would be £240.

    2. Take the Statutory Interest figure and divide it by 365, e.g. £240 divide by 365= 65p (The daily interest figure).

    3. Calculate the amount of days between the date of your claim and the final hearing. For example, if you started your claim on the 22nd Sept 96 and the Final Hearing takes place on the 31st Dec 96, then this is 100 days.

    4. Multiply the number of days by the Daily Interest rate figure, 65p x 100=£65. This gives you the amount of interest to be added to your claim at the end of your case


    • #3
      Re: takin letting agents to court/urgent help needed

      Thanx e-naid but I have come up against another problem now
      I went to court to file the claim and was told I cant do it because it was my daughter who rented the flat..... I argued that it was me who paid the deposit of £300 by cheque and the reciept was made out in my name etc but they still say my daughter has to lodge the complaint.
      Also I wrote many letters, emails etc and sent recorded delivery but now it seems my daughter has to write to them and not me coz my letters aint no use if my daughter lodges the complaint.....
      I am also worried about the way the agreement was made out...... It says the agreement is with my daughter and they named the owner of flat who resides at c/o the property agency address so who do we lodge the complaint against?..... The cheque was made out to the property agency so is that who we name in the complaint?
      This is so confusin?
      We just want the return of deposit but agency has never replied to any of my letters?
      Do we now send letters to owner of flat at the agency address and give him 21days to return deposit or just get my daughter to write to the agency givin them 21days?
      All help and advice much appreciated......thanx


      • #4
        Re: takin letting agents to court/urgent help needed

        Do we now send letters to owner of flat at the agency address and give him 21days to return deposit or just get my daughter to write to the agency givin them 21days

        i would be asking your daughter to write first,we have the same dilllema and are now writing to the agent for and on behalf of our daughter,but we are prepared for them being snotty and akward ..but either way we will get the money if not it will be small claims imediately and all costs claimed ..


        • #5
          Re: takin letting agents to court/urgent help needed

          thanx....I will try that then


          • #6
            Re: takin letting agents to court/urgent help needed

            Originally posted by poochie View Post
            thanx....I will try that then

            Just wondered how you were getting on??


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