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Unlawful cautions

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  • Unlawful cautions

    The Land Registry have BROKEN ESTABLISHED LAWS and violated my human rights by allowing my religious BIGOT neighbour who has breached the 20 YEAR PRESCRIPTIVE RULE, to place Cautions on my unregistered family home of 64 years left to me absolute when my mother died in November 2020. They also BLACKMAILED ME that UNLESS I hand them the Deeds to my home, the Cautions won't be removed even though I completed the forms and paid the fees to get the Cautions removed. She placed a Caution on our home twenty two months BEFORE my mother died. She sat back like a PREDATOR and waited for my mother to die and then filed a false frivolous and vexatious lawsuit over my glorious flowers in their pots on my side of a 9 ft wide shared drive NOT used for ANY vehicle access. She doesn't even have a garage. I nearly went to prison which is what she was hoping for but I was a SUCCESSFUL DEFENDANT in the Court of Appeal. However I am ordered to pay £30,050 charges on my home and I am going without food in order to do so because I am on basic state pension and Guaranteed Pension Credit. I am 74 years old with multiple chronic health issues. Her Bay Tree grows at least 9 ft over my garden and over my garage roof and she ERECTED BY TRESPASS a large 4 x 4 inch post and low infill panel INSIDE my back garden but for her benefit when she had changes made to her home at the rear. What can I do because the County Court Money Claims Centre told me that the Charging Order was both SENT AND DRAWN IN ERROR but they refuse to give me a copy of my computerised notes where this is recorded thereby WITHHOLDING CRUCIAL EVIDENCE.
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