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Neighbours Issue

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  • Neighbours Issue

    Before I start, if I am wrong, please tell me...

    I moved into my current home 12 months ago. Its a rented semi detached cottage on a very old country estate. Its my idle and my long term home into retirement.
    Wehn I first moved in, after a week or so, I had a knock on the door one afternoon from the neighbours, who both had crutches & appeared disabled. A mum & son combo, 75+ and 55+. They complained that my music was too loud, could I turn it down. Being polite I did, as Ithought it was just an excuse to come and nose around.

    Around 2 months later on a Saturday night I had a few friends around, when the phone went at 10pm....could I turn the music down it was too loud.....hmmm ok.

    I thought I might have an issue developing so I bought a sound pressure level meter and started maesuring sound levels around the house. It quickly became apparent that if I played my music at 75dB they wouldn't be able to hear it, as I measured it at 40dB at my side of the party wall. A few months later, I fell asleep on the sofa, and was awoken by a telephone call telleing me to "...turn that f8888g music down..." I did so.

    3 incidents in 4 months...and all complied with when requested and all before 11pm.

    The neighbours reported me to the landlord for making noise........

    From Sept until Dec last year I built a workshoop in my garden, some 60 feet from any other house, and lined it with high grade sound insulation. I moved the hifi into the shed. I again tested sound pressure levels and there is no way anyone near the house (outside as well) would hear anything when the HiFi in the shed is at 95dB ....

    Last week, my son (just 18 and has Aspergers) was in the shed listening to music whilst I was out. The neighbours called me and said its a bit loud.....it was 8:15pm. How they could hear it I have no idea. I was out anyway, so I telephoned my son to turn it down. He did so.

    However the male neighbour (55) came around into my garden down to the shed & proceeded to hurl abuse at my son and frighten him. I returned home to find him watching TV with the sound off & subtitles on, because he didn't want to upset the neighbours.

    I wrote to the landlord complaining about the neighbours behaviour. I received a pretty smooth it over type of email ...... I replied saying that I cannot understand the behaviours from next door as I cannot see what they are trying to achieve and are not being at all reasonable....did the land lord know if there were any issues & history which I may need to be aware of. No was the answer.

    On Thursday this week I receieved a letter from the Council saying they are starting an investigation into my garden shed, as they believe it is an unauthorised building....(WTF).

    I have a meeting with the Council on Tuesday. In preparation for this I wanted to know more. I was pointed to the local newspaper archive.

    In the archive I discovered that my (male) neighbour has a conviction for some pretty serious crimes, including stalking, assault, offensive weapons and haressment and being held on remand for 6 months at one time. with a significant sentence to follow....I don't think the police wanted him on the streets.

    I have contacted the police and reported my incidents, and they have put a marker on the property for an immediate response should I require it. ....something they know & I don't ?

    I remonstrated with my neighbour today, and he admitted that he had been to prison for the crimes (and other more serious ones) and that he was smoking weed. He called my son a liar despite admitting in an email to our landlord that he lost his temper when shouting at my son,.....

    What can I expect my landlord to ? I don't believe I have done anything wrong, in fact I think have taken more steps than most to alleviate any problems. I cannot undertsatnd the neighburs motivation or desired outcome...he seems to be either completely stupid or irrational. If he is irrational then he's danegerous as he isn't in control and a pattern is emerging. His last serious conviction was mitigated by "psychiatric issues" It just doesn't make sense.

    His elderly mother, says her son wouldn't harm a fly, not harass or threaten anyone.....despite a serious conviction for doing just that. And anyway, she said, she'll visit him again in prison.

    Advice anyone ? (Theres a lot more to this, but it would take days...)

    Sorry for the disjointed rant,.....its been one hell of a week.

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  • #2
    How awful. The landlord has no responsibilty to be honest. The council and the Police do.
    As for the shed - you have permitted development rights but perhaps do some reading about that in advance. If it is not being used as a shed then there could be issues but most likely the council will not be interested. The neighbour has probably told them someone is living there!
    My advice? You won't want to hear it but think about making another move. This is not going to get any better and may get a whole lot worse.


    • #3
      Oh that sounds terrible, I suspect this neighbour has some quite serious mental health issues, hence the behaviour, not really your problem but offers a reason for him behaving this way. I have no legal training but I would be logging everything down so you can remember times and dates etc, keep talking to the police, they seem actively interested so you must use that. You should not be frightened of playing music in your home I would ignore him with that, just don't answer the door or just shout 'sorry I am really busy', or say yes yes you'll turn it down then don't, you shouldn't have to live lie that.
      keep some distance from them.
      With the council, tell them that your neighbour is harassing you and the police have put an immediate mark on your home (so they know the police are taking it seriously), take your reference number and the key police officers name and if you can contact them prior to this meeting, I would, just to raise that you are concerned your neighbour is finding ways to interfere with your life for no reason. I would record the meeting too actually, sneakily just in case, or take someone with you who can back you up about what is said.
      Also, if the shed has the permission of the landlord its nothing to do with the council, they must take it up with landlord as you are renting it. Nightmare, hope your son is ok,


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