I want to take my neighbours to court for their noise nuisance and anti social behaviour. There are 5 properties that are student HMO ‘s. They should all have clauses in their tenancy agreements outlining ASB so they have breached those clauses. I have made 50+ complaints to the police and council they do nothing. So have decided to take them to court though civil proceedings but I don’t know where to start. Where can I get advice from? I can’t find a solicitor that deals with this. I’m happy to do it in my own if I got some help with procedure no. I have all the evidence videos and pictures of 50+ people at the property screaming shouting urinating in broad daylight infront of me and my son etc. Doni take the letting agent to court and landlord, I don’t know all the tenants names and some have moved out. They have made our life hell for 2 years including harassment and dualise allegations to the police because we complained. I’ve read about small claims but says that Tenant issues could be allocated outside small claims because of the complexity of the case but done know what that would mean.
Any help is appreciated
Any help is appreciated