The flat below mine has had water coming through the ceiling. There was no visible water in my flat, but after cutting through the wall in my flat the plumber has found that my kitchen waste pipe has come away from the main soil pipe.
I would have thought the situation was the responsibility of the management company for the building, as the soil pipe is shared by multiple properties, and the connection between that and my waste pipe is boxed into a wall, so I couldn’t have known there was an issue. But the management company say it is my responsibility as the waste pipe from my kitchen is mine alone. Are they right?
I would have thought the situation was the responsibility of the management company for the building, as the soil pipe is shared by multiple properties, and the connection between that and my waste pipe is boxed into a wall, so I couldn’t have known there was an issue. But the management company say it is my responsibility as the waste pipe from my kitchen is mine alone. Are they right?