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Problem neighbours

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  • Problem neighbours

    Hi everyone

    I live in a terraced house and one of the houses next door is rented. I have experienced bad tenants for several years (anti-social behaviour, threats etc) and reported this to the landlord - he failed to do anything about this. There have been tenants previously that were lovely.

    The latest neighbours seem to lead sad, pathetic lives and as such, they have done many things over the 4 years they have lived there - mainly when there is no male on the scene (my partner) - as the man is a complete coward - he likes to bully animals, women and children.

    The harrassment ranges from:-

    Him threatening to stab me (took the police 2 weeks to attend my property!)

    Being verbally abused by his father and mother on my own property - again, I had CCTV footage of them and the police did nothing - not even issue a warning.

    Verbal abuse when I am out on my back yard (both from the house when the back door is open and out on my yard).

    Verbal abuse when I'm taking out my wheelie bin.

    Loud music at unacceptable times

    Their dog barking constantly when they are out at work.

    Posting my name and address on google search indicating that I'm running a guest house and posting fake reviews (I reported this to the police and they said there was nothing they could do about it!)

    They moved a friend into the rental property on the other side of them so when the police have attended she just supports them - even when she has not been present during the incidents!

    My neighbour on the other side own their property and due to his same bad, bullying attitude (and him damaging my property and not being prepared to fix it - he's meant to be a builder, however, many people dislike him) we do not speak. We very rarely bump into each other as due to an extension on the back of his property he has no land or back access. He enjoys encouraging them in this bahviour.

    Changing their wifi to offensive and childish names - ie, Paedophile Tracking Team - not ideal when you're presenting on a teams meeting and have to check you wifi connection!

    Accusing me of scratching his car and hammering on my door - trying to physically assault me. He also failed to provide the cctv to the police - that he claimed showed me scratching his car (I didn't touch his car - I had a Yodel delivery on the front of my property and the driver placed it in my parked car as the boxes were heavy) and even though this questioned his credibility they still took notice of his claims - and did nothing about him trying to assault me. They have CCTV which incriminate them and they simply refuse to comply with the police (as you would) and when I question this with the police they say that they are unable to force them to give them the cctv.

    I have a CCTV system (I had to install it when the last tenants lived there - eventually I showed the proof to the police and they went and gave them a warning and then they did a moonlight flit) - however I need to view any indicents via the monitor and DVR.

    More recently, he has changed his CCTV system (more like spy cams) and I've noticed that he has fitted a microphone on the window ledge (under the back yard CCTV) - which is about 2 feet from my bedroom window! - they have also placed an offensive ornament in the window.

    The CCTVs on the front of the property cover their small frontage and all the way across the road - they also have audio on them.

    The police have been a waste of time - when they have attended previously - they have stated that they are unable to make him move the spycams (however, I do have a text from a PC saying that he had spoken to my neighour and he agreed to move the cameras as he didn't want any trouble and was going to keep himself to himself) - so he is aware of what he is doing! He also rants when female officers visit the property and the wife has to calm him down.

    Surely it is illegal for such a violation of privacy? A microphone 2 feet from my bedroom window? As stated, I don't want to go to the police as I have found them useless so far.

    Any advice greatly appreciated.


    Last edited by Foxyflugel; 22nd November 2021, 15:57:PM.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Have you contacted your local Council / MP? You shouldn't have to live under those conditions. It sounds like an injunction from the Courts might be needed. It seems that you have a lot of this behaviour documented with the police complaints.

    All council's have anti-social / harassment policy


    Lodge a complaint with the LGO if the Council don't act.


    islandgirl Can you please take a look and advise. Many thanks.


    • #3
      How horrible for you. I think I would try to persuade the Police that this is harassment (you need a diary with dates and times of what has occured). I find it surprising that they did not act on the threats to kill.
      The problem in these situations is that the neighbour probably blames you for everything and they have a "witness" so it is hard for the Police to move forward,
      The advice from Echat re the council, local councillor and MP is all good. However some form of intervention by the court would also be good so that if these people come within a certain distance of you or enter your property at all they will be commiting an offence. I am unsure how you would go about getting an injunction such as this (I do put them onto people in court but usually after they are sentenced for an offence such as harassment).
      On the surface there is enough in your post for a harassment charge but once again evidence is everything. You certainly need your CCTV. I have a similar system in my business (outdated really) but if I find an incident I record it from the screen onto my mobile which makes it easier to show people. All in all I cannot help very much but hope this gives you some ideas as to a way forward.


      • #4
        Great advice from islandgirl.

        On the harrassment / injunction front, here's some info -



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