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Mortgage Companies refusal to remove my ex from Title Deeds of my property...

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  • Mortgage Companies refusal to remove my ex from Title Deeds of my property...

    This one is going to be quite long, so please accept my apologies...

    In 1998, I bought my Farmhouse outright in my sole name, with the proceeds from my Late Partners Estate.

    The Farmhouse was virtually derelict and need extensive renovations to make it liveable, the land was also unkempt, full of weeds and with fallen down fencing, overgrown hedging etc . I paid for all of this work doing from monies left to me in my Late Partners Will. By this time, I had met someone else, and we were planning our life together. Unfortunately, it was discovered that I had employed cowboy builders and all of the work was basically unsafe and not to building reg`s standards.... I attempted to make a claim against the builders, but they then declared themselves bankrupt with a huge list of debtors!

    I didn`t have the money to pay for the work to all be undone and redone by someone, and so it was decided that I would get a mortgage on the property, with my then Partner, as I didn`t have sufficient income to get the mortgage of my own, and he was the main wage earner at that time, so in 2003, we got a mortgage from TMB and the works were completed, and all was well, until in May 2005, my Partner left me, and never returned to the property apart from to steal things when he knew I was out! I have no idea where he lives, and have had no contact with him since 2005, and wouldn`t know where to even start looking for him.

    Since then, I have struggled to meet the payments alone, and fell into arrears, and so I decided to sell the house to pay off the mortgage and become debt free and remove the millstone from around my neck . In November 2007, I managed to sell the Farmhouse for £480,000.00. This would have paid off my mortgage, and left me with sufficient to make a new life for myself. My Sister had managed to get my ex Partner to sign the Tr forms for the Land Registry, giving his permission to remove his name from the title deeds, he also wrote a letter stating that he wanted nothing more to do with me or the property, and wanted nothing from any sale as he knew it was me who had outlaid money for the Farm, not him

    Therein lies the problem...since my Ex left me, TMB haven`t done a thing to try and contact him, or to try and find him, I fell into arrears, and twice TMB have issued repossession proceedings against me, but they haven`t involved my Ex in them at all, they just wrote to him at my address, an address that they knew he hadn`t lived at for many years! The repossession proceedings were dropped each time as my Parents helped me out .

    When I sold my property in 2007, I contacted the Land Registry to ask them to remove my Ex`s name from the Title Deeds so I could complete the sale, they wrote back and said they couldn`t remove my Ex`s name, without a letter of authority to do so, from TMB. TMB flatly refused to remove my ex, and even with the intervention of my solicitor, they still wouldn`t remove his name, so the sale fell through

    I found myself in an impossible situation, as I have a mortgage I simply cannot afford, and TMB won`t remove my ex`s name from the Title Deeds of my property because I`m in arrears, and I can`t get out of the arrears as I can`t afford the mortgage payments on my own. I complained at the time in 2008 to the FOS, and they basically sided with TMB.

    We are now here some 12 years later, I am in an even worse position, I am in even more arrears, and still they will not remove my Ex`s name, despite the fact they don`t know where he is, and have never tried to make him make any payments towards the mortgage. In 2018, I complained to the FOS again, as I`d again got a buyer for my property, and TMB wouldn`t change their stance re my Ex. The FOS have finally got around to dealing with my complaint, (from 2018!),* I explained that I cannot sell the property as I would either have to get my ex to sign the contract to sell the property, (which is impossible as I don`t know where he is, and have no way of contacting him!), or, get his name removed from the Title Deeds, but the FOS* have said that TMB are not stopping me from selling my property, as I wouldn`t need my Ex to sign as I have TR Forms signed by my Ex agreeing to his name being removed from the Title Deeds, so the Land Registry would remove his name with those TR forms.../ I have provided the FOS with the letter from the Land Registry stating they need a letter of authority from TMB to remove my Ex`s name, but I can`t seem to get any further .

    So my question is this, can I sell my property without a letter of authority from TMB to get my ex`s name removed from the title deeds, as my Solicitor advised me that I couldn`t progress any further with the sale of my property, without my Ex`s name being removed from the Title Deeds, but the FOS are saying that I can? The FOS are saying that as I have TR Forms signed by ex, his name can be removed...the signed TR forms are now 13 years old too, so it`s highly unlikely they would be accepted anyway, and I understand my ex would need to provide photo id to go with the TR forms and he is never going to agree to that. I am totally confused...I have only ever sold one property and that is so many years ago, and I don`t know the conveyancing procedures. Please can someone advise me...oh and I should say that the solicitor who dealt with this for me in 2007/2008, retired 10 years ago, and his firm went into liquidation :/*

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  • #2
    Can anyone offer any advice please?*
    Thank you x


    • #3
      Please can anyone give me any advice? I have to give my response to the FOS on Monday, and I don't know what to say


      • #4
        Amethyst please could you direct me to someone on here who may be able to help me? Many thanks x


        • #5
          You need an order for sale from the court if you genuinely cannot find the ex but they will be reluctant to make an order without evidence that he does not want his share of the property as he has a legal interest in the property and to deprive him of that is a very serious step. Your story is inconsistent in that you say he wouldn't agree to sign the paperwork but how would you know this? They would require evidence of your search for him including through official channels. It is easy to find someone. A tracing agent would be able to do so for around 150 pound. I suggest you find him and send him a nice letter before action stating you require him to sign the paperwork but that if he refuses you will have to seek an order for sale from the court and will seek a costs order against him. An order for sale will cost about 2k if you use a solicitor. Frankly your conveyancers should have advised you of this. If the FoS are saying the mortgage company should accept the old signed tr1 from 13 years ago then I cannot see what the problem is?* My guess is your solicitor and their solicitor will not accept this as conclusive evidence of his intention to give up his legal interest. Tbh I wouldn't either.


          • #6
            Thank you for your reply Cinderella66*

            My ex doesn't want to be found, I have tried every avenue I can think of and drawn blanks....I even wrote to his Mum asking for her help, I sent the letter Special Delivery, she signed for it, but never replied, I suspect she didn't want to incur her Sons wrath, as they have never been close anyway.

            I would never deprive someone of something they were legally entitled to.....you say that my 'story' is inconsistent in that I say he wouldn't sign, but how would I know this....there is no inconsistency in my story, I know he wouldn't sign as he has confirmed in writing to myself, the Mortgage Company, (several times),* and the FOS that he wants nothing from the property, nor does he want anything more to do with it, or me! His one decent attribute is that he accepts it was my money that paid for everything here.*

            The FOS aren't saying the Mortgage Company should accept the old TR form, they are saying the Land Registry should, but the Land Registry have already said that they won't accept it, without a letter from TMB authorising them to do so, and the FOS said they can't make TMB do that, that is what the problem is.*

            I thank you for your help, it is much appreciated, though I can't help but think you are accusing me of doing something underhanded here...I would never do such a thing, all I want is to be able to sell my home and get this financial millstone from around my neck, that's all.



            • #7
              'though I can't help but think you are accusing me of doing something underhanded here...I would never do such a thing, all I want is to be able to sell my home and get this financial millstone from around my neck, that's all.'

              There are professional requirements regarding the conveyance of property and you do not meet the required criteria for the conveyance to go ahead. I have advised you of the way in which this may be done. I'm sorry it isn't the simple answer you are looking for. I certainly did not intend to cast aspersions simply advised you that the professional requirements have not been met and that is why you cannot succeed in this without taking the steps outlined. If you can, great. Good luck.


              • #8
                And instruct a tracing agent. They will find him.


                • #9
                  it is nice that today there are mortgage companies who really try to help people.
                  Last edited by JaneSmith; 17th December 2020, 08:29:AM.


                  • #10
                    For sure, every mortgage has as benefits so minuses. But for sure, everything depends on how much money you have before to take a mortgage. I'm sorry to know that you have such problems now. But I don’t think you should search the answers here. You need to talk to highly qualified specialists. Not so long time ago I could buy the house of my dreams where I live now. For sure, it is never enough to pay all amount in one moment. In this case mortgage deal really saves you. Thanks Mortgage Advisor Hull I could find one which corresponded all my needs. So, I’ think they will help you too. I wish you to resolve your problems ASAP.


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