My neighbour had car insurance with a company which he was paying Direct Debit. Due to family trauma & his sons disability he acquired a motobility vehicle so put his old car up for sale & tried to cancel the insurance which only had a couple of months left. He was told there would be a cancellation fee so decided to let the insurance run its course while he was trying to sell it. He subsequently sold the car & thought no more about the insurance. He has now discovered the insurance company automatically renewed the insurance past the annual renewal date & continued to take direct debit payments which he initially had not realised. He contacted them to say he had not authorised renewal & no longer has the car but they maintain they had sent him an email giving him option to cancel so they automatically renewed & he must now pay £300 if he cancels. He did not get the email they claim they sent him and they admit they never sent him a letter despite him never being paper free with this company. They also have a record of his previous call saying he wanted to cancel & was planning to sell the car prior to the renewal date so they knew he had no intention or need to renew.
Does he have grounds to not pay the cancellation fee they are demanding?
Does he have grounds to not pay the cancellation fee they are demanding?