I've organised a motorcycle rally for this July (lots of beer and loud rock bands), we are thinking of taking loads of photo's of the rally and doing a video and putting both on a DVD to sell to the rally goers on the Sunday morning to raise even more money for M.A.G. as they need every penny they can get right now.
Thing is! we need to put background music in for the photo's and field shots from the cam corder, how do we get around the problem of copyright laws.
I don't think playing the 2nd movement from Dvorak's Symphony No: 9 will suit photo's of drunken bikers
Thing is! we need to put background music in for the photo's and field shots from the cam corder, how do we get around the problem of copyright laws.
I don't think playing the 2nd movement from Dvorak's Symphony No: 9 will suit photo's of drunken bikers