In the case of Woodchester Lease Management Services Ltd v Swain & Co - [1998] All ER (D) 339 in the Court of Appeal, the court addressed in some detail the issue of the contents of a default notice and should the notice fail to comply with the Consumer Credit (Enforcement, Default and Termination Notices) Regulations 1983 (SI 1983/1561) it would render the default notice invalid I quote the comment of KENNEDY LJ: "This statute was plainly enacted to protect consumers, most of whom are likely to be individuals" the judgment appears confirm the consumer credit legislation made under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 as plainly enacted and set out to offer protection to the consumer. Therefore it is suggested that the failure of the claimant to set out the default notice in accordance with the Consumer Credit (Enforcement, Default and Termination Notices) Regulations 1983 (SI 1983/1561) could unduly prejudice me as it failed to allow the required time to remedy the default
if a claim was issued then withdrawn on a lousy default notice (not enough time to rectify)
all the claimant could seek is the arrears up to the default notice
as to woodchester v swain
say the claimant then withdrew the claim but issued another 12 months later with an effective default notice
before we go down cpr 38.7
can a fresh claim be issued as the first has been withdrawn after exchange of defence being the original agreement would have been terminated on a duff default notice
we then have harrson v link come into the equation
getting confused
i am
if a claim was issued then withdrawn on a lousy default notice (not enough time to rectify)
all the claimant could seek is the arrears up to the default notice
as to woodchester v swain
say the claimant then withdrew the claim but issued another 12 months later with an effective default notice
before we go down cpr 38.7
can a fresh claim be issued as the first has been withdrawn after exchange of defence being the original agreement would have been terminated on a duff default notice
we then have harrson v link come into the equation
getting confused
i am