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Using recordings to prove Officials are lying and may cause harm/death because of it.

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  • Using recordings to prove Officials are lying and may cause harm/death because of it.

    I know if I record a conversation and don't get permission and don't tell the persons involved I'm not supposed to reveal that conversation.

    But something very odd is happening and Officials are telling lies and these lies could end my Mothers life. I say lies because I cannot believe most the things I'm being accused of are typos / misunderstandings etc. For instance I'm being accused of things nobody sees, of things there is no proof of, things I'm not doing that I'm not supposed to do anyway, of things that no way happened and possibly things that simply couldn't happen. Its crazy! So from these bogus 'concerns', I'm being investigated by Social Services. I can completely destroy many of the allegations by letting people listen to telephone conversations I've had, and conversations I've had in my own home with them prior to most of this happening and subsequently.

    Sooooo finally....Are there circumstances/ramifications of a situation that would allow me to let these people hear my recordings? Otherwise it seems they can make stuff up, remain "confidential", not be challenged by the truth and just get away with it.

    I mean they want the truth right or they just want to win their argument?

    EDIT: Based in England
    Last edited by PaperClips; 25th August 2022, 22:16:PM.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    The first paragraph is not correct. There have been numerous cases in which covert recordings have been admitted in evidence.

    Read this, for example: https://collyerbristow.com/longer-re...ert-recording/
    Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

    Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


    • #3
      Atti is right. The rules are that the rules are no universal, but context driven.
      If anyone refuses to allow you to use a recording ask them just why.


      • #4
        I am surprised. Already I've had this with Social Services from a Carer. Even though Mum had come Home to die the Carer told me to leave the room or "I'll get someone to take her (My Mum) away". And that she did because I wouldn't leave Mum alone with her. The Police looked at the video of this but Social Services and the Care Co would not. They wouldn't even listen to the audio.and then they would not give consent for me to record the meeting about the argument. And it's the same Social Services Dept I'm dealing with again now with this (as well as other parties).

        So the recordings I have were made for my own records, and not necessarily with a view to use in any future fight. But when I'm told this Dept said XYZ and I have proof XYZ never happened... what do I do if they refuse to listen? This was a 'safeguarding' issue now changed to 'risk management'.

        Unfortunately again I can't thank some one here as I'm told I cannot Thank my own posts.


        • #5
          You may be in a position where you need to use your recordings as evidence of what was said. Isn't that what you asked?
          Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

          Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


          • #6
            Originally posted by atticus View Post
            You may be in a position where you need to use your recordings as evidence of what was said. Isn't that what you asked?
            Yes but if they do the same as last time, they will plain refuse to listen to them because I didn't get consent when I made the recordings.

            EDIT: Still can't like your posts.


            • #7
              Then stick your fingers in your ears, say "la la la", and then explain to them that that is exactly what they are doing.
              Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

              Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


              • #8
                Originally posted by atticus View Post
                Then stick your fingers in your ears, say "la la la", and then explain to them that that is exactly what they are doing.
                Oh I was hoping there was some overriding Law that I could point to that says they have to listen to my proof, consentual or not.


                • #9
                  Here is the Local Council's reply on the matter of using recordings

                  you can refer to them for your own reference and paraphrase into your email if you don’t mind please. It is fine to document a conversation held, however staff have a right to go about their work without being recorded. This is a very grey area and as I have said previously it is not a blame exercise but one to ensure Mum’s care is being universally provided and delivered in her best interests.

                  This person keeps saying it's not about blame. Funny thing is I seem to be being blamed for something.


                  • #10
                    I do wish someone could advise. I have now been told I should not have taken photos of Mum's back and top of her bottom when the GP has asked for photos because Mum didn't give consent. Because the injury must have been very very painful I'm sure she would have wanted her GP to see it and treat it. (Mum has late stage Alzheimer's and cannot talk).

                    Anyway Social Services and someone else are coming to my home speak to me about that and making recordings of conversations in my own home for my own records. They say I should not do it. Meanwhile I've just come through hell with them with their allegations that they have now admitted some of which were impossible for me to have done as I said from the start! To refute the allegations I relied 100% on these recordings. Otherwise I'd have had nothing to fight back with. Considering they claim to have my Mums 'best interests' at heart I find it bizarre I used my own records to disprove every single thing alleged - thus showing 'the truth' and that I was not the one at fault for my Mum's back (it was the District Nurses IMO 100%) or any of the many other things apparently conjured up aka lies. And now they want me to stop this. So I'll be poorer for info from conversations - hence dealing with Mum - and have nothing to base anything on if in the future this happens again.

                    Also Mum recently had another assessment and there was a very very good chance she would not do a certain thing I'd seen her do in connection with the reason for this assessment. So I took a video and had it on the TV to show the assessor. Now Social Services are taking the same line (Mum did not consent) to me having this video on the TV . I'm pretty sure this is when it has been seen and the Assessor would have seen the same with a typical session with Mum but maybe not this worrying behavior. I wanted the assessor to see what happens sometimes.

                    I really am at my wits end with this - I'm showing 'professionals' things directly to do with Mum's care, showing it those directly concerned and yet I'm not supposed to do it because Mum didn't give consent? I'm sure she would not want to be in such pain and suffering and risking death and yet it seems a 'professional' needs to be visiting, Mum awake enough to feed and have this happen before any advice can be given. I could write a book on the back incident - absolutely crazy!!! And yet when I asked if the District nurses were reprimanded for their actions/inactions I was told only 'they have taken what I said back with them' or some vague rubbish My Mum suffered directly because of them! Meanwhile months later I'm still their focus. Do these people live in caves? I am the one keeping my Mum alive and yet they are still picking and picking about things that do not help Mum at all. If she could speak I'm sure she would be right on my side.

                    Anyway where on earth do I stand with this making personal recording for my own records and taking recordings to show 'professionals' for my Mum's benefit when they don't see these for themselves?


                    • #11
                      You may do these things. If in doubt, contact the Information Commissioner for guidance. www.ico.org.uk
                      Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

                      Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


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