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Possible medical negligence

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  • Possible medical negligence

    Hi All
    after some advice on what we can or can't do, I'm reluctant to go into to much detail because of the nature of the subject but I'll try my best.
    My wife had an operation 6 years ago to repair a tear in the wall to her bowl that had prolapsed, hours after the operation a nurse removed the gauze they had used to stem any bleeding.
    However, the nurse didn't take care removing it and just yanked it out, this caursed extreme pain and bleeding and the nurse had to dash off to get a pan, ever since then she has had pain where wall to her bladder is and acording to her GP a slight prolapsed bladder (I hope those that are in the know, know what part of the body I'm talking about).
    She had a second operation but the surgeon didn't listen to my wife when she explained the pain was and instead worked on old scar tissue, fast forward to now>>
    As I said she had a prolapsed bladder diagnosed by her BP who made an appointment to see a specialist at the hospital again, it was a different gynecologist this time who proceeded to say there's nothing they can do as you can't repair scar tissue only make it worse, because of the pain she wouldn't let her near with the device of torture "as she put it" because it's just to painful and had to speak over the gynecologist to make her listen that the scar tissue isn't bothering her it's the wall to her bladder, she then said that she needs to be under anesthetic for them to properly investigate and in little over a week was in hospital ready to go into theater.
    I got a call off my wife to come pick her up as she won't be having the procedure now after one of the surgeons had a chat with her beforehand, he basically said scar tissue can't be repaired so there's no point going into theater and even though she has a prolapsed bladder it's just a small prolapse, my wife come away feeling totally defeated and feels she's not getting anywhere and never will.
    I told her we need her to go to a totally different trust and get them to investigate why she's getting this pain and hopefully come up with a cure/solution, I honestly think when that nurse yanked out the gauze dressing the dried blood had attached to the wall and she damaged it in the process, but I don't know for sure.

    I just need advice on how we can go about getting an honest examination and cure before going down the road of suing if there's negligence on their part..
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  • #2
    In matters like these unless you are medically trained as a surgeon it is almost impossible to prove negligence.

    The medical profession has a long history of closing ranks when someone asks too many questions.

    I would suggest you really need the opinion of an expert witness which will be acceptable to both sides.

    You can find one here https://www.yourexpertwitness.co.uk/
    Last edited by EnglandPi; 22nd December 2021, 06:13:AM.


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