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Undertakings time frame

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  • Undertakings time frame

    Hi, My ex took me to court about 18 months ago and claimed DA to try and take custody of my children without my knowledge. It didn't work and I was invited to court very last minute. The court order stated no order and no finding against me. I did however give undertakings to not speak to her except through a couple of apps.

    Since then we have been through family court and I have a court ordered 50/50 live with order so everything is split down the middle. The problem I have is that not being able to speak to her is making it very difficult at handovers (I look rude as can not even say hi or thank you when she hands me something.) She also speaks to the children when she wants to say something to me, I.e. tell daddy ....... or she will say what she wants to say to me to the one of the children so it doesn't seem like she's talking to me, which i do not think is fair on them. It is also hard as we can not deal with issues that arise at the school together and have to have separate meetings.

    My question is do undertakings run out, or have an expiry? I've checked the original order and there is no date listed on it for thier expiry that I can see.

    If not am I able to get them removed in order to coparant effectivly?

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  • #2
    Undertakings are permanent unless specifically time-limited.

    You can apply to court to vary a Child Arrangements Order.

    Please do not use unexplained acronyms.
    Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

    Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


    • #3
      Thank you and apologies, I think the only acronym I used was DA, domestic abuse. Which was a fabrication to try and take custody.

      I do wish I'd known more about undertakings and what impact they would have long term before I agreed to them. I was told about them a couple of minutes before we went in and I wasnt told anything about a time limit or not and I didn't think to ask. There was so much going on and it was my first time in court.

      Hopefully I can apply to have them amended as not speaking to eachother during handovers or at school meetings is impractical and feels rude when I do it as I just want to be able to be polite for the sake of the children as it can't be nice for them to see.

      It wasn't a child arrangements order that holds the undertakings, that is what we have now. She first tried a non molestation order to avoid going to mediation. That order was no order and states that there were no findings against me, but it is where the undertakings are. The child arrangements order just has recitals and says if we agree to anything in the future it supersedes the order.


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