Just looking for a bit of advice. My brother abuses drugs and lives with my mother. He is extremely abusive, controlling and potential to be violent. We’ve attempted many interventions for the past 10 or 15 years. Mother refuses to press charges. However, is increasingly anxious of him.
My father moved out of the marital home (which he paid off but my grandma is on the deeds). I have changed tact and decided through the advice on an officer to go through applying for a occupation order. My father has been abused or still is by him too. My grandma has progressing dementia so I’m just thinking whether I need to involve her in the application? Or since my Dad actually paid the Mortgage and bills etc can have any legal clout in making this application?
apologies for the long post.
My father moved out of the marital home (which he paid off but my grandma is on the deeds). I have changed tact and decided through the advice on an officer to go through applying for a occupation order. My father has been abused or still is by him too. My grandma has progressing dementia so I’m just thinking whether I need to involve her in the application? Or since my Dad actually paid the Mortgage and bills etc can have any legal clout in making this application?
apologies for the long post.