Hi all,
I have disguised details due to ongoing proceedings.
I am in the rare position as a father who has my daughter for the majority of the time on a shared child arrangements order. This is Mon-Fri with me and weekends with mum.
Mum has had involvement with social services for neglect and domestic abuse in the last 5 years which resulted in initially the interim order being she could only have supervised contact for 1 hour. Then as she made progress on the plan she was allowed greater unsupervised contact resulting in the arrangement today.
She has since had a separate referral to a different Social Services by the police.
Due to financial opportunities I indicated to Mum I would be looking to relocate with daughter to Yorkshire (We currently reside in Southeast).
She has now applied for a prohibitive steps order and an order to vary the child arrangements so daughter is moved into her primary care and with no outline for proposed contact with myself.
I understand she is within her rights to do this and my question is two-fold, what are the chances a judge tells me I can’t relocate with daughter and vary the existing Child Arrangements Order to accommodate that? And am I likely to lose primary care of daughter during these proceedings considering safeguarding issues with Mum?
There are no safeguarding concerns with my care or raised by mother in her application. I am wary family courts may have a natural tendency to favour mothers and I am genuinely concerned for my daughter’s welfare if she were to be moved away from my primary care.
Thanks for reading and appreciate any response, even if it is something I don’t want to hear.
I have disguised details due to ongoing proceedings.
I am in the rare position as a father who has my daughter for the majority of the time on a shared child arrangements order. This is Mon-Fri with me and weekends with mum.
Mum has had involvement with social services for neglect and domestic abuse in the last 5 years which resulted in initially the interim order being she could only have supervised contact for 1 hour. Then as she made progress on the plan she was allowed greater unsupervised contact resulting in the arrangement today.
She has since had a separate referral to a different Social Services by the police.
Due to financial opportunities I indicated to Mum I would be looking to relocate with daughter to Yorkshire (We currently reside in Southeast).
She has now applied for a prohibitive steps order and an order to vary the child arrangements so daughter is moved into her primary care and with no outline for proposed contact with myself.
I understand she is within her rights to do this and my question is two-fold, what are the chances a judge tells me I can’t relocate with daughter and vary the existing Child Arrangements Order to accommodate that? And am I likely to lose primary care of daughter during these proceedings considering safeguarding issues with Mum?
There are no safeguarding concerns with my care or raised by mother in her application. I am wary family courts may have a natural tendency to favour mothers and I am genuinely concerned for my daughter’s welfare if she were to be moved away from my primary care.
Thanks for reading and appreciate any response, even if it is something I don’t want to hear.