I am writing this on behalf of my brother as he is very depressed atm. Ive put it in mens rights as I dont know where to turn for advice. Late last year my brothers gf of a year stabbed him in the chest and collapsed his lung. She was arrested for attempted murder and detained under the mental health act. He was in hospital for a week and is okay apart from gets out of breath more and very depressed.
The incident took place at around 11pm just down the Road from home. A few hours earlier that day the police were called by a stranger near the place of the incident as she (the gf) was in distress but the police put Her back into my brothers care. Obviously a few hours later she ran out of the house (knife In hand) and my brother went after Her. The rest is history.
He was put in touch with victim support but they havent been great. Does anyone know if the police failed in their duty and a complaint is warranted at all? I feel they messed up but my feelings dont cut it.
advice Greatful.
The incident took place at around 11pm just down the Road from home. A few hours earlier that day the police were called by a stranger near the place of the incident as she (the gf) was in distress but the police put Her back into my brothers care. Obviously a few hours later she ran out of the house (knife In hand) and my brother went after Her. The rest is history.
He was put in touch with victim support but they havent been great. Does anyone know if the police failed in their duty and a complaint is warranted at all? I feel they messed up but my feelings dont cut it.
advice Greatful.