Domestic Abuse
For support or to discuss your options you can call the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or in Wales, Live Fear Free on 0808 80 10 800.
Advice now
Advice on getting a divorce or ending a civil partnership without the help of a lawyer
Visit the Advice Now website
Ministry of Justice
Advice on getting a divorce
Visit the Ministry of Justice website
Personal Support Unit (PSU)
A charity which has offices in the bigger city family courts and is run by trained volunteers. They do not give legal advice, but can help to navigate the system.
Visit the PSU website
A website listing numerous pro bono legal clinics.
Visit the LawWorks website
How to find a family Mediator
use the family mediator finder service provided here: It is fine to phone around, ask how much they charge and compare prices.
The Bar Pro Bono Unit
A charity which helps to find pro bono (free) legal assistance from volunteer barristers.
Visit The Bar Pro Bono Unit website
McKenzie Friends
Litigants who do not have the help of a lawyer can take a friend into the court with them to help with paperwork and give moral support. They are not allowed to address the Judge or any other parties unless given ‘leave to speak’ by the Judge.
It is possible to buy the services of a McKenzie Friend. They are currently unregulated, so have no obligation to act in your best interests, so beware. However, many are trained paralegals or have extensive experience.
You must complete a McKenzie Friend form and present it to the Court Clerk before you go into your hearing.
More information on McKenzie Friend's from the Judiciary
Meetup Groups
There are many online groups that help people to make contact with and meet others going through similar experiences.
Visit the Divorce Support website
If you qualify for legal aid for family mediation you can work with online resources and the family mediator to sort out your child arrangements and financial agreements for yourselves. The likelihood is that you may still need a bit of legal advice but overral, working in this way, should save you many thousands of pounds.
Find a Family Law Solicitor or
For support or to discuss your options you can call the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or in Wales, Live Fear Free on 0808 80 10 800.
Advice now
Advice on getting a divorce or ending a civil partnership without the help of a lawyer
Visit the Advice Now website
Ministry of Justice
Advice on getting a divorce
Visit the Ministry of Justice website
Personal Support Unit (PSU)
A charity which has offices in the bigger city family courts and is run by trained volunteers. They do not give legal advice, but can help to navigate the system.
Visit the PSU website
A website listing numerous pro bono legal clinics.
Visit the LawWorks website
How to find a family Mediator
use the family mediator finder service provided here: It is fine to phone around, ask how much they charge and compare prices.
The Bar Pro Bono Unit
A charity which helps to find pro bono (free) legal assistance from volunteer barristers.
Visit The Bar Pro Bono Unit website
McKenzie Friends
Litigants who do not have the help of a lawyer can take a friend into the court with them to help with paperwork and give moral support. They are not allowed to address the Judge or any other parties unless given ‘leave to speak’ by the Judge.
It is possible to buy the services of a McKenzie Friend. They are currently unregulated, so have no obligation to act in your best interests, so beware. However, many are trained paralegals or have extensive experience.
You must complete a McKenzie Friend form and present it to the Court Clerk before you go into your hearing.
More information on McKenzie Friend's from the Judiciary
Meetup Groups
There are many online groups that help people to make contact with and meet others going through similar experiences.
Visit the Divorce Support website
If you qualify for legal aid for family mediation you can work with online resources and the family mediator to sort out your child arrangements and financial agreements for yourselves. The likelihood is that you may still need a bit of legal advice but overral, working in this way, should save you many thousands of pounds.
Find a Family Law Solicitor or