Hello Folks, I have just found this website and wonder if anyone can give me some info and or advise. I have just been through a long drawn out set of legal proceedings where I have been defending my ex husbands application to downward vary a joint life spousal maintenance order. The final hearing was last Nov and It delivered a very unfavourable and unexpectedly dissapointing result on my behalf, my solicitor admited himself it was unforeseen etc and there was a string of erros made in the finalising of the court order etc..the barrister instructed by my solicitor failed to provide any notes to ,explain the judges descision/ reasoning. There is so much background here and would take me ages to write it all but to cut to my question
Why hasnt the solicitor sent me a final bill? I had paid as we went along so imagine the final amount owing is around 2k.. but suspect he never got councels notes and was unable to debreif me adequately etc.. how long is reasonable/acceptable to be expecting a bill? Its 5 months now, could he have decided to waive the final bill on account that it all went pear shaped? Obviously Im not going to chase the bill as I really cant afford to pay it...but its a worry
Why hasnt the solicitor sent me a final bill? I had paid as we went along so imagine the final amount owing is around 2k.. but suspect he never got councels notes and was unable to debreif me adequately etc.. how long is reasonable/acceptable to be expecting a bill? Its 5 months now, could he have decided to waive the final bill on account that it all went pear shaped? Obviously Im not going to chase the bill as I really cant afford to pay it...but its a worry