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Occupation and non molestation order

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  • Occupation and non molestation order

    I am currently applying for an occupation and non molestation order with the help of an domestic abuse charity against my ex husband I have strong supporting evidence to support my application. Unfortunately the charity is very slow and not giving much information of the process and where they are at.
    In the meantime my ex husband solicitor has applied for the same orders. My ex husband statements aren't very strong. But they have managed to get a court hearing next month.

    I want to know can I still put my application through? I stated to the charity I'm going to be homeless by 19th June so it's actually an emergency and was hoping it would be done soon, as I had read in case's of emergency the courts can make a quick decision, some times 24 hours. I have two very young children, so its very unlikely my ex application will be granted.
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  • #2
    Celestine ULA Thank you for your enquiry. I would strongly recommend contacting the charity and not accepting anything other than a straightforward answer as to where they are regarding your case.

    Yes you can still put your application through. In all honesty I would suggest looking into legal aid regarding your situation. Firstly fill out the forms that relate to you on the government website: https://www.gov.uk/government/collec...estic-violence and send them to the courts and the police immediately.

    You might be able to get legal aid if you have evidence that you or your children have been victims of domestic abuse or violence and you cannot afford to pay legal costs. You do not have to get evidence before talking to a legal aid solicitor or Civil Legal Advice, but they’ll need to see it before deciding whether you can get legal aid so send the forms off immediately. Click the website for more information: https://www.gov.uk/legal-aid/domestic-abuse-or-violence and click this website for a direct line to legal aid: https://www.gov.uk/civil-legal-advice

    May I ask why you will become homeless by the 19th June?

    Hope this helps and I wish you all the best x
    I am a law student undertaking work experience on the LegalBeagles forum. My advice is from my own experience only and is given without liability. If in any doubt, please contact a regulated and insured legal professional to seek further advice.


    • #3
      Hi, firstly good luck Layla
      I'm in the opposite camp.
      Had a order on me in April,ex left after calling police.Police didn't ask me to leave.Had contact with her between order and her going to her mother's.I knew whee she was due to her video time me for kids and also was asked to meet them at a local park.Evidently not frightened of me.I was then served a order behind my back ,no court appearance,I didn't know it was even happening.
      I had to leave the house .I'm able to see kids but it's down to her and I have to go through soli


      • #4
        I fought the case and was supposed to be in court but they messed the date up.Her barrister offered me a deal that they keep the order on but with no guilt admission or facts against me.A bit of a climb down.im actually unhappy with this though it's only till.april.and I don't want nothing to do with her .she contacts me and iv had to go to house in two emergencies.i made sure she wrote a cover email and had her mother's phone call screenshot the last time I had to go.
        I haven't signed the offered agreement yet as I'm uncomfortable with it .
        I wanted it gone completely.
        I'm buying a flat soon so visitation with my kids will.be easier and I'm going after 50%.
        My question is,my ex lied on a witness statement about what the police said and did.Tje police statement was the opposite to what she said .There are many other lies I could rip apart too.I know this was all.set up to get the house.A house which had masses of my money in and which iv received half .she hasn't signed the consent form on it either so I'm worried if she can tap me for money in the future.
        I'm wanting to take her to a small claims court for defamation of character.is this possible?
        sorry for the messed up posting.i must have inadvertently pressed a button.im useless at this stuff


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