My now ex partner has contested the non molestation order and we have to now submit our evidence against each other for the next hearing. My main questions are 1) do I need representation at the next hearing or is it enough to represent myself. My evidence is Text’s and emails fromhim harrassing me, being detrimental to me personally and my new business. 2) he implied that he would look into taking out a non-molestation order against me. Is this usual? 3) how do I get police records of times in the past when I’ve phones due to a domestic?
As a final adding insult to injury he has rented a flat 0.5 mile away from where I live. Yet he claims he is afraid for his safety. Can anyone help? Thanks
As a final adding insult to injury he has rented a flat 0.5 mile away from where I live. Yet he claims he is afraid for his safety. Can anyone help? Thanks