Advice please ....
3 siblings are jointly left a property, siblings A wants to live there, siblings B & C don't want the property. What is the "correct' way to ensure the split is equal? If say the property is worth £150k .. should sibling A give siblings B & C the value of the property i.e. £150k each or is the value divided between all 3 i.e all 3 siblings get £50k, which is what's being proposed. It's a minefield and one sibling is creating saying that sibling A is getting a £150k house for £50k!
3 siblings are jointly left a property, siblings A wants to live there, siblings B & C don't want the property. What is the "correct' way to ensure the split is equal? If say the property is worth £150k .. should sibling A give siblings B & C the value of the property i.e. £150k each or is the value divided between all 3 i.e all 3 siblings get £50k, which is what's being proposed. It's a minefield and one sibling is creating saying that sibling A is getting a £150k house for £50k!