Child maintenance arrangements made through the Child Support Agency (CSA) will be ending between now and 2017.
If the CSA handles your child maintenance, you値l get a letter telling you:
You値l be sent the letter between now and the end of 2017. You don稚 need to do anything until you get the letter.
You値l usually get the letter at least 6 months before your child maintenance arrangement ends. You値l also get a reminder letter about 1 month before your arrangement ends.
Your current CSA child maintenance arrangements
Your child maintenance arrangements will continue as usual until the date CSA tell you in the letter. You must continue your payments if you池e a paying parent.
You値l still have to pay any arrears you owe, even after your child maintenance arrangement ends.
What happens next
When you get the letter, you can either:
Contact Child Maintenance Options for information on making child maintenance arrangements.
If the CSA handles your child maintenance, you値l get a letter telling you:
- when your child maintenance arrangement will end
- how and when to make new child maintenance arrangements
You値l be sent the letter between now and the end of 2017. You don稚 need to do anything until you get the letter.
You値l usually get the letter at least 6 months before your child maintenance arrangement ends. You値l also get a reminder letter about 1 month before your arrangement ends.
Your current CSA child maintenance arrangements
Your child maintenance arrangements will continue as usual until the date CSA tell you in the letter. You must continue your payments if you池e a paying parent.
You値l still have to pay any arrears you owe, even after your child maintenance arrangement ends.
What happens next
When you get the letter, you can either:
- arrange child maintenance yourself
- make new child maintenance arrangements through the new Child Maintenance Service
Contact Child Maintenance Options for information on making child maintenance arrangements.