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What else if not CSA

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  • What else if not CSA

    Hi everyone,

    This is my first post and i'm actually posting on behalf of my friend.
    She has an 18 month daughter and she split with the father when the little one was 5 months. They had an agreement in place where he'd see the child on Sundays for 4 hours (he chose the time and day) he was also paying £50 a week maintenance. The arrangement was working fine and she even got him to come to see their child for 2 extra hours through the week which was on a Tuesday and Thursday.
    Now there has been a major breakdown, when this guy turns up he treats my friend like rubbish. He swears at her, calls her every name under the sun etc, he even does it by texts and i've seen all of the texts. She informed him that she could no longer handle having him come to her house twice through the week as he wasn't turning up on time and when he did he'd be there for less than half an hour. But there was it was no problem for him to add those 2 extra hours on the Sunday.
    But being the child that he is, he has stopped giving her money, stopped seeing his daughter. Has said that he has over compensated with payments and is expecting a cheque back for all of the money that he has ever given her. And he wants her to go through CSA.

    Now i Googled up about CSA and found a thread on this forum, advising someone that going through the CSA is the worst thing ever. I've told her this but she now doesn't know what to do. As mentioned in the thread, i told her she should go to a solicitor and get an agreement drawn up and that they should both sign it. They should also find somewhere neutral where he can see their daughter and where my friend feels safe.

    I should mention that she did call the CSA this morning but they couldn't help her as they couldn't find his National Insurance Number (my friend says this is because he was born with a different name).
    So is there any other advice people can offer? I thought CSA was a good thing so other than that i don't know much else.

    Thanks inadvance
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  • #2
    Re: What else if not CSA

    Hi and to LegalBeagles.......
    Is your friends ex working?
    If she doesn't feel safe with him coming to the house she can arrange for a contact centre,,she should go,in the first instance,to the CAB.Also,,she should try and get a free half hour with a solicitor specialising in Family Law.
    Others will pop by with help and suggestions for you


    • #3
      Re: What else if not CSA

      Originally posted by Inca View Post
      Hi and to LegalBeagles.......
      Is your friends ex working?
      If she doesn't feel safe with him coming to the house she can arrange for a contact centre,,she should go,in the first instance,to the CAB.Also,,she should try and get a free half hour with a solicitor specialising in Family Law.
      Others will pop by with help and suggestions for you
      Hi, thanks for the welcome.

      Yes he does work.

      I'll let her know about CAB, we didn't think of that, so thank you


      • #4
        Re: What else if not CSA

        You're very welcome..Im sure other Beagles will pop by with much more info. Your friend is very lucky to have you looking out for her.


        • #5
          Re: What else if not CSA

          Originally posted by beautifulchaos View Post
          I should mention that she did call the CSA this morning but they couldn't help her as they couldn't find his National Insurance Number (my friend says this is because he was born with a different name).
          One might suppose his NI number would remain the same regardless of the name he adopted.

          Could he be an illegal immigrant?


          • #6
            Re: What else if not CSA

            Originally posted by CleverClogs View Post
            One might suppose his NI number would remain the same regardless of the name he adopted.

            Could he be an illegal immigrant?
            No he is definitely not an illegal immigrant. She may not have the right details, i'm not a 100% sure.


            • #7
              Re: What else if not CSA

              Just a quick update for those who were kind enough to reply.

              My friend got legal advice, her ex made contact and decided to start paying maintenance again. So at the moment she knows where she stands legally & hopefully her ex will start seeing their daughter in due course.

              Thanks once again


              • #8
                Re: What else if not CSA

                Oh now that is good news,,Thankyou for updating us,,always nice to get the 'ending' to a thread.
                Now it's your friends opportunity to take her time and line all her ducks up so to speak so if DaddyDearest tries to pull this stunt again she knows the law,she knows her options and she's not caught out by his stupidity.
                Bless you for being such a good friend.
                Anytime you need us,for anything,feel free to pop in and say HI


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