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Girlfriend took 2 children across state lines with no intenet to return NV-CA

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  • Girlfriend took 2 children across state lines with no intenet to return NV-CA

    My girlfriend took the kids to CA on what was supposed to be a visit with her family. I was thinking everything was ok when she left, but it turns out she intended to stay there. A few days ago I was served with CA paperwork where she is fraudulently claiming they usually live there and visit NV occasionally, along with other lies in the filing. There is obviously plenty of evidence to the contrary.

    I understand a bit of what I need to do:
    1) File for custody in NV immediately.
    2) File a USSJEA.
    3) Possibly file for immediate return of children.

    I'm wondering if I'm missing anything? I'm also wondering if I should absolutely have an attorney? These forms seem somewhat basic but I'm not familiar with the process. Many of the attorneys are working on hefty flat fees for this situation, I'm wondering if I could go file the paperwork myself or if that would be a mistake?

    I'm also looking for suggestions of types of evidence to gather as far as residency goes, since I assume that is going come up. Thanks
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  • #2
    Sorry, this is a UK law discussion forum. I hope you are able to find the advice you need relating to the laws of NV or CA.
    Lawyer (solicitor) - retired from practice, now supervising solicitor in a university law clinic. I do not advise by private message.

    Litigants in Person should download and read the Judiciary's handbook for litigants in person: https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/..._in_Person.pdf


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