I had my consent order in 2018. I live in the house and pay mortgage and ex-wife is joint mortgage holder and lives abroad - details of her whereabouts is not known and simply no contact.
Consent order is 50/50 (despite me paying the mortgage) but house sale should be joint.
Unfortunately, ex is not replying to emails (its all the details I have of her) to house sale and like I said I have no idea where she lives or her address - but definitely alive as I can see her recent post on Social media.
I am not sure exactly what to do now since I want to sell the property - here is what I am planning:
1. Apply for force sale of the house to court and show them couple of emails I sent her and tell them I have no way of contacting her.
2, Ask the court for joint contribution on Mortgage but I know I won't get it since she doesn't live in the house and I do - but I am not getting the order but the key thing is I get a sole permission to sell the house based on point 1.
I will start the sale on my own.
I cannot keep paying the mortgage forever and need to sell the house as I am about be out of job.
If the above fails, then simply tell the bank I can't pay the mortgage and cannot sell the house due to ex not co-operating and simply hand in the keys and walk away.
I will also tell the bank of her other properties abroad incase if the house doesn't sell then they go after those - or if they want to bankrup both of us.
What else can I do? I am stuck!!!!!
Thank you