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Grooming of demented father

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  • Groomers
    started a topic Grooming of demented father

    Grooming of demented father

    My brother & I are attorneys on my fathers Lasting Power of Attorney, able to act jointly or severally. My brother, and sister, attempted to steal tens of thousands of pound out of my fathers accounts. It was stopped by the bank who alerted me as I had been dealing with my fathers affairs but now they are grooming him to hate me, convincing him that I am stealing his money. In his demented state he is extremely distressed and convinced I am stealing everything. He has been groomed daily in this belief and I have video footage of this. Social services say they must listen to my father and his wishes (actually my brothers wishes) and now the grooming has turned to removing me from my dads Will. I am not holding out much hope, having watched the appalling interview social services conducted, that they will agree with the GP & memory clinic diagnosis that my father lacks capacity & nobody wants to look at the disturbing video footage of severe grooming and inciting my father to violence. His distress has led him to believe he wants to get a big knife and stab me. I am seriously worried for mine and his safety and as his main carer I am finding this very distressing. I am waiting to hear from the OPG and social services as to whether their “investigations” are going to conclude my fathers capacity but in light of grooming and coaching to answer, or even refuse to answer, questions, I am very nervous about the outcome. When I take the video evidence of grooming and inciting violence to the police they keep sending me back to social services who are not interested in viewing the evidence. Is there any way I can get an injunction order out to stop my brother from abusing my father? He is not going to stop until he gets his hands on all my fathers money or kills him trying.
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  • Notnorth
    For what it's worth, I believe you. I have lived through a similar situation. I found it impossible to make any headway. The social services were useless. What you are describing is elder abuse but unfortunately when the abuser becomes the abused best friend it's very difficult to get through to them. You say you believe that the other people with power of attorney are turning your father against you and based of their lies have influenced him to change his will and exclude you from it. This sounds to me like a clear case of fraudulent calumny. Not easy to prove but not totally impossible.

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  • Groomers
    Thank you Atticus.

    I have letters from the memory clinic and his GP speaking to my fathers lack of capacity. Social services are not interested in these letters stating that capacity varies and they will do their own assessment.

    I am keeping notes and video clips of grooming. My father won’t speak to me now so he only has visitors of my brother, his children and my sister who are all singing from the same hymn sheet. He is immersed in the indoctrination. I think getting an injunction order to remove my brother from my fathers life is the only way to stop this but I just don’t know whether this is even possible.

    I am running out of emotional energy to fight this as it’s just so upsetting to me.

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  • atticus
    A difficult situation.

    Consider collecting evidence such as medical reports to show whether your father has mental capacity to make a will.

    Also gather/collate evidence of the influence being brought to bear on him. At the very least start a diary of what is happening, what is said by your father and others.

    This is with a view to the battles that you may need to fight after your father's pasing.

    Others may comment on steps that you might take now.

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